Liposuction Videos — Page 2

  • The Surgeon Minute

    Common Misconceptions About Liposuction

    Liposuction and breast augmentation are the two most common plastic surgery procedures in the world. However, there is “a global misconception about what can be accomplished with liposuction,” says...

  • The Surgeon Minute

    Sculpt Your Body with VASER High Def Liposuction

    While traditional liposuction techniques are great for getting rid of unwanted pockets of fat and making you look thinner, they can’t really give you the kind of muscle definition...

  • The Surgeon Minute

    Keys to Ensuring Successful Liposuction

    Liposuction is fast approaching breast augmentations in terms of popularity in this country. And for good reason. It is an extremely safe method for improving your body contour by...

  • The Surgeon Minute

    Liposuction of the Abdomen

    Liposuction is one of the most effective procedures in all of plastic surgery, yet still gets swept up in misunderstanding about what it can achieve. When done safely in...

  • The Surgeon Minute

    What’s New in Liposuction?

    Who doesn’t love the idea of getting rid of unwanted fat? Particularly fat that seems to resist your healthful diet and gym membership. Liposuction is a surgical procedure to...

  • Plastic Surgery Secrets

    Getting Ready for Liposuction is Almost as Important as the Procedure Itself

    With liposuction, everybody thinks about the end result. A thinner waist, thinner thighs, and the elimination of fat pockets exercise and diet haven’t been able to penetrate. And yet,...

  • The Surgeon Minute

    Liposculpture vs. Liposuction – Yes, There’s A Difference

    Liposculpture and liposuction look and sound almost the same, but the results say otherwise. It’s important for a patient seeking a fat removal procedure to know that while liposuction will...

  • The Surgeon Minute

    Liposuction – Incredible for Contour, Not Weight Loss

    Fat is a fickle friend. While we do want it in our face for that youthful plump, we don’t want it in our abdomen, love handles, or the outer thighs. When...

  • Plastic Surgery Secrets

    Hidden by Insecurity, Social Pressure, and… Shoes – It’s Toe-besity

    Volumes of scientific studies, popular press articles and even countless numbers of books have been written about one of  America’s most dangerous public health threats: obesity. It’s threatening younger...

  • PSC Media Wire

    The SKINNY: Why Liposuction Works Great For Fit Bodies

    It may not be widely known that liposuction is especially effective on very fit and thin people. It’s true! Most people picture a heavier set person undergoing liposuction to...

  • PSC Media Wire

    Can Cankles be Solved with Plastic Surgery?

    Breast implants. Nose jobs. Liposuctions. Mommy Makeovers. You name the part of the body and there’s probably a plastic surgery procedure to fix it. There’s even a solution for...

  • The Surgeon Minute

    The Difference Between Liposuction & Liposculpture

    While liposuction is a great method for removing large amounts of unwanted fat, if you are after a more toned and athletic appearance as well, you may be a...

  • PSC No Spin LIVE

    “Flesh-Eating Bacteria” and Death Following Liposuction

    A news story of late described a woman passing away after a routine liposuction procedure on her arm. A very serious infection occurred and her surgeons – OBGYN’s, not...

  • PSC Media Wire

    It’s Possible – Buying Six-Pack Abs

    It’s a latest trend in plastic surgery, buying the ab carved mid-section of one’s dreams. Men and women, (but mostly men) are seeking a short-cut to the leaner look...

  • The Surgeon Minute

    The Lowdown on Lipo

    We’re all aware that liposuction removes fat. The process itself, however, and the different types we see advertised usually remain a bit of a mystery. Have you ever wondered...

  • The Surgeon Minute

    Sweet Synergy: A Tummy Tuck with Liposuction

    Pregnancy delivers a bundle of joy along with profound physical whiplash, some of which may only respond to liposuction or abdominoplasty procedures. Each woman is affected differently, with age...

  • Plastic Surgery Secrets

    3 Tips to Keep in Mind When Considering Liposuction

    Thinking about Liposuction? Get the best results by considering these 3 simple tips from some of the leading plastic surgeons in the US! 1. Be within 5-10 lbs of...

  • PSC Media Wire

    Local-only liposuction? It depends on what is getting lipo’d…

    The success of liposuction has been well-documented for decades, and while many board certified plastic surgeons favor one type of lipo over another, many times it has more to do with the...

  • The Surgeon Minute

    Modern Fat Reduction

    Plastic surgeons have been helping patients rid their bodies of unwanted fat for decades with liposuction procedures. Until recently, the majority of patients seeking fat removal were almost always women. “In...

  • The Surgeon Minute

    Advancing the Female Silhouette

    For the average women who is a bit thick through the waist and hips, liposuction can slim down those areas of the body by removing excess fat deposits and...