Anne Meyer

Anne Meyer

Anne received her undergraduate degree in rhetoric from the University of Illinois.  She spent five wonderful years working in a plastic surgery practice in Los Angeles before returning to the academic world where she is pursuing a graduate degree in the medical field.  Anne enjoys combining her understanding of plastic surgery procedures with her passion for writing in each article that she works on for the Plastic Surgery Channel.

Anne Meyer

Anne Meyer Plastic Surgeon Videos

The Aging of a President: Obama 2008-2016

Is the new IDEAL IMPLANT really ideal?

Breast Augmentation: Answers to Your Most Pressing Questions

3D Imaging Helps Patients Visualize Their Breast Augmentation Results

Browlift: The Eye Opening Truth

It’s Time To Love Your ‘Selfie’ Neck

About Face: An Overview on Facial Rejuvenation

No Need for a Facelift (Yet) with ThermiTight

Double Dipping: Thigh Reduction and Breast Enhancement