All posts tagged "otoplasty"

  • The Surgeon Minute
    Earlobe Reduction: A Quick Fix for “Grandma Ears”

    It seems no feature escapes the aging process, and that includes earlobes.  We can blame heavy earrings...

  • PSC Media Wire
    Is Plastic Surgery Ever a Good Idea for Teens?

    Teenagers who get plastic surgery may have far different reasons for seeking a change, than adults. Teens...

  • The Surgeon Minute
    With an Otoplasty, Say Goodbye to Dumbo Ears

    Otoplasty, a surgical procedure to correct overly large or prominent ears, is on the rise according to...

  • PSC Media Wire
    Not So Hip Anymore: Repairing Gauged Ear Lobes

    It’s a popular trend that involves stretching an ear piercing to suit a large plug, sometimes a...

  • Ear Pinning Surgery

    Not all people are gifted with proportionately-sized and well-positioned ears. In fact, many people have imperfections such as protruding or malformed ears, causing them to suffer from ridicule or teasing during childhood, and lower self-esteem into adulthood.  Otoplasty, or ear pinning surgery, can effectively eliminate these imperfections and create more aesthetically pleasing...