The Plastic Surgery Channel

An Overview of CosmoDerm CosmoPlast Collagen Injections

Lines, wrinkles and creases in the face are a natural result of sun exposure and aging. Many beauty rejuvenation procedures exist that can help reduce these signs of aging with both surgical and chemical skin treatments. A popular alternative to surgery is CosmoDerm or CosmoPlast, which smoothes out facial wrinkles and irregularities using collagen dermal filler.

What is CosmoDerm  CosmoPlast?

CosmoDerm CosmoPlast is  offered as an alternative to Botox that reduces wrinkles and fine lines in the face.  CosmoDerm CosmoPlast works by injecting collagen below the surface of the skin, filling in unwanted lines, wrinkles, and other skin flaws.  CosmoDerm CosmoPlast are the only FDA approved dermal fillers that contain natural human collogen.

The CosmoDerm or CosmoPlast procedure normally takes less than an hour, which makes it a convenient treatment for people on the go. CosmoDerm CosmoPlast does not require a pre-treatment skin test. To minimize discomfort, lidocaine is used together with the injection and eventually creates numbing of the skin. Redness and swelling seldom occur after the treatment, but if it does, it usually goes away immediately.

What does CosmoDerm CosmoPlast treat?
CosmoDerm  is recommended for people who want to reduce the appearance of fine lines , while CosmoPlast  more commonly treats deep wrinkles between the brows or smile lines that form between  the nose and mouth. CosmoPlast also helps treat acne scars.

CosmoDerm and CosmoPlast can correct facial flaws such as:
–    Fine lines on the forehead
–    Frown lines between the eyes
–    Undefined lip borders
–    Deep facial wrinkles
–    Crow’s feet
–    Acne scars
–    Vertical lines above lips

What are the Cons to CosmoDerm CosmoPlast?
Risks in getting the treatment are minimal. However, it is also possible that side effects could occur. Because of this, it is important to keep your doctor informed of allergies and other medical histories. While CosmoDerm Cosmoplast boasts immediate results, the procedure may not produce long-term results and requires multiple visits.

CosmoDerm CosmoPlast can help you smooth away fine lines and wrinkles if you want quick and immediate results.  It is important to stay informed about what ingredients are contained in various facial injections, and which treatment works best to get the results you desire.  For more information about this treatment, never hesitate to consult your doctor before undergoing the CosmoDerm and CosmoPlast treatment system.