The Plastic Surgery Channel

Thigh Lift – Answering the Common Questions

Getting a thigh lift can be a great way to achieve firmer, smoother upper legs. A thigh lift, or thighplasty, is often performed on someone who has lost a great deal of weight, either by natural or surgical methods. A thigh lift is a plastic surgery procedure designed to tighten the skin and reduce sagging of the inner and outer thigh; however, it is not intended to reduce fat within the thigh. Rather, thigh lift surgery reshapes the thighs by reducing excess skin, and in some cases fat, resulting in smoother skin and better-proportioned contours of the thighs and lower body.

Who can have a thigh lift?

A thigh lift is recommended for people with sagging or droopy thigh skin or a loss of elasticity caused by aging or weight loss. The skin of the thigh often sags in conjunction with the buttocks, so many thigh lifts are performed in conjunction with a buttocks lift. Although both men and women seek this treatment, women more commonly request thigh lift surgery than men, as the thigh area is a popular spot of the body for fat to accumulate on women’s bodies.

What is involved with a thigh lift?
Thigh lift surgery can be done under “twilight” or general anesthesia. An inner thigh lift procedure takes approximately two hours. Thigh lifts are not intended for the removal of fat; in these cases, a thigh lift may begin with liposuction to remove the fatty tissue and is followed by the removal of the excess skin. After the procedure, you can expect bruising and swelling that will usually subside within a month. Normal activities can be resumed in around six weeks.

Are there different types of thigh lifts?
There are three types of thigh lifts. These include:
•    Inner Thigh Lift –this procedure targets the inner thigh to help people who have trouble losing excess fat from this area. An inner thigh lift can also help people who have reduced skin elasticity from age or weight loss.
•    Bilateral Thigh Lift –this procedure tightens the skin on the front and outside of the upper leg. A bilateral thigh left tightens the skin on both the right side and left side of the leg, and is especially helpful for those who have excess skin from extreme weight loss.
•    Medial Thigh Lift – A medial thigh lift reduces excess skin and fat from the upper portion of the inner thigh. It is designed for patients who are dissatisfied with the shape of their legs or wish to remove excess skin from weight loss.

No matter which type of thigh lift you are considering, you must be able to weigh the benefits against the possible costs and risks, such as scarring and the risks of anesthesia. Choosing a surgeon you trust and knowing what to expect from a thigh left can be critical to ensuring the procedure goes smoothly.