The Plastic Surgery Channel

Gynecomastia – Male Chest Surgery to Correct

Gynecomastia is the over-development or excessive enlargement of male breasts due to disease, heredity, use of particular types of drugs, or hormonal changes. Men may undergo a surgical procedure to correct this condition.

Characteristics of Gynecomastia

1.    Excessive development of glandular tissue

2.    Presence of localized fat in excessive quantity
3.    A combination of excessive glandular tissue and too much fat
4.    May be bilateral (affect both breasts), or unilateral (affects either breast only)

Any surgical operation is potentially risky, and the decision to submit to it must not be taken blindly. Never should this be resorted to merely for shallow cosmetic purposes or vanity, particularly to fit media-created male image.

Recommending Gynecomastia Surgery
A surgical solution to gynecomastia is recommended when:

•    Less drastic medical treatments cannot rectify the condition.
•    There is no hindrance to post-operative healing, such as a medical condition or illness that may be a threat to life.
•    The patient is not a user of tobacco products or prohibited drugs.
•    A healthy attitude is present in the patient, and there is evidence that he knows the directions to follow for improving his condition.

Surgery may be avoided if gynecomastia is merely the result of having too much fatty tissue in the breast. The better approach to this condition is simple liposuction.

Reduction Mammoplasty for Men

The procedure for rectifying gynecomastia through plastic surgery is called reduction mammoplasty, or breast reduction.  The ultimate goal of the surgery is to reduce a man’s breast size, flatten it, and introduce enhancements to the contours of the chest. However, if gynecomastia is severe, surgery may include altering the position and size of the areola, the pigmented skin around the man’s nipple, which is likely to stretch because of the breast sag resulting from excess weight of the breast tissue.

Before deciding to undergo reduction mammoplasty, it is advisable for a patient to see a competent, experienced plastic surgeon who is well-trained in dealing with gynecomastia in order to obtain full information on the pros and cons of a surgical solution. It is critical to understand all the options, including liposuction, as well as the complications and side effects that can result from reduction mammoplasty surgery.