The Plastic Surgery Channel

Vampire Facelift

What is the Vampire Facelift?

In another PSC mediawire exclusive Plastic Surgery Channel expert Dr. Paul Lorenc discusses the  “Vampire Facelift.”

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Vampire facelift

One of the  newest facial treatment to hit the shelves – the Vampire Facelift. This isn’t really a traditional facelift but is a variation of a dermal filler. It is the latest permutation of new filler which is essentially the patient’s own blood that is used for the treatment. In this procedure, the plasma or a portion of the blood is extracted and drawn out and then processed. The result is plasma with a lot of platelets and this plasma is then injected back into the skin of the patients. This product injected back into the skin stimulates collagen growth in the body.

Is the Vampire Facelift legitimate?

This procedure, however, is in its early stages and hasn’t been tested much. Sometimes, the media gets ahead of itself and publicizes techniques that haven’t been properly researched. At the moment, there isn’t much scientific research on the Vampire Facelift, but it certainly looks like a promising technique that should be investigated.

Dr. Lorenc specializes in facial rejuvenation and continues to be closely involved in research and development of new advances in aesthetic surgery. He is considered a pioneer in the development of the new generation of dermal fillers (including the one touted for vampire facelift) and is a leading authority in facial anatomy.