The Plastic Surgery Channel

Plastic Surgeons Say Do Not Believe the Stem Cell Hype

Plastic Surgeons say don’t believe the stem cell hype. Experts from take a hard look at stem cells and the hype and spin that surrounds this subject offering patients a voice of reason.



December 6, 2011

What is the real story with Stem Cells?

Board certified surgeons with say while “stem cell therapy” for aesthetic procedures sounds promising, the marketing claims are misleading. Peter Rubin, MD is a member of and a noted expert on fat-derived stem cells. He says, “We found that there is very little data that these treatments work, or if they’re even safe.”

More and more plastic surgeons are advertising procedures that use a patient’s own stem cells to reverse the appearance of aging skin. Dr. Rubin recently led a special joint task force on behalf of the two leading plastic surgery associations. The goal was to address concerns over claims and clinical practices using stem cells that have not been substantiated by scientific evidence. “We recommend that if something looks to good to be true it probably is,” said Dr. Rubin. His position is supported by both the American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery (ASAPS) and the American Society of Plastic Surgeons.

Why are consumers confused about stem cells?’s Patrick Sullivan, MD said “the consumer is confused.” According to Dr. Sullivan, “there are so many claims and little science to back it up.” Dr. Sullivan say’s his plastic surgery practice cautiously uses stem cells for some cosmetic treatments. He says the results can be dramatic, “but there’s no way of knowing if it’s the stem cells or the fat injections themselves that are delivering the results.” Dr. Sullivan says, “We know that it can be incredibly dramatic what these fat cells can do especially when they’re fresh, they’re done in a certain way, and put into certain areas, but we really don’t know what amount of this really comes from stem cells. And so that is what the controversy is.”

As for Dr. Rubin, he says patients should always see a board certified plastic surgeon for a proper evalutation. He says your surgeon can determine how to balance risks and offer solutions to meet your needs and goals.


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