The Plastic Surgery Channel

Younger, Tighter Looking Skin Without Surgery

Non-invasive procedures continue to gain popularity thanks to new technology that keeps patients looking young, while avoiding major surgical procedures. Dr. Christine A. Hamori of Boston, Massachusetts discusses Pellevé, a new radio frequency device that tightens skin in an easy,  relatively painless, outpatient procedure.

By: Christine A. Hamori, MD
and Adam McMillon

I keep hearing about energy devices… do they work?

As technology in medicine expands, the success with non-invasive plastic surgery devices continues to grow. Whether it’s lasers, ultrasound or radio frequency, energy devices are steadily producing significant results in patients who may not be ready for invasive cosmetic surgery.  “The great benefit of the Pellevé device is that it’s virtually painless,” says Dr. Hamori. “Unlike some of the laser and other radio frequency devices, Pellevé applies non-invasive energy in a way that gets great results without pain.”

How does this technology work?

Energy devices utilize various forms of energy to tighten the skin, often by emitting bursts of energy to heat it. “I tell people it’s like cooking chicken,” says Hamori. “You put raw chicken on the grill, it shrinks.” When the skin is heated, the collagen shrinks, allowing the body to then create new collagen that has less room, affording a tighter area. Pellevé gradually heats the skin, instead of pulsing large bursts of energy. “Instead of applying pulses of energy at different intervals of time, the Pellevé device is a wand that you move over the skin while gradually heating it up,” says Hamori. Because the radio frequency energy is gradually applied, a patient can give feedback to the surgeon in order for them to know when enough is enough. “Not only is this procedure comfortable for the patient, the results I’ve seen so far are phenomenal,” says Hamori.

Who is the best candidate for non-invasive procedures?

As noted by surgeons, non-surgical procedures are not as effective as traditional surgical procedures. In the case of Pellevé, a face-lift, as of right now, will be more effective and produce a greater result at tightening facial skin. However, Pellevé and other non-invasive procedures are fantastic at achieving results for middle-aged patients who are not ready for a face-lift. “The Pellevé technology is perfect for someone in their 40’s, 50’s and possibly even 60’s because it simply restores a youthful tightness to the skin,” says Hamori. “A simply, painless procedure can extend a patient’s need for a more serious, surgical procedure for many years.”