The Plastic Surgery Channel

The 10-Minute Nose Job

Looking to do something about the depressions and humps on your nose but don’t want surgery? Dr. Geoffrey R. Keyes of Los Angeles discusses the ever-growing non-invasive techniques that can provide great results while avoiding  traditional rhinoplasty.

By: Geoffrey R. Keyes, MD
and Adam McMillon 

Can I fix my nose without surgery?

Non-invasive procedures continue to grow by leaps and bounds as more and more patients choose to delay major surgery. While these procedures are most are aimed at shaping the face and eliminating wrinkles, non-invasive fillers are finding success in treating problem areas on the nose. “There can be minor things that really don’t need surgery, that can be addressed by using a variety of fillers,” says Dr. Keyes. “Have a little hump or elevation in the middle of your nose? We can put a little filler below and beneath the hump in order to smooth out the appearance. This is a quick and easy way to get a great looking appearance without having surgery.”

How safe are fillers in the nose?

With the growing trend of non-invasive procedures, hundreds of practitioners are trying their hand at using injectables. While getting these procedures done at an unlicensed practitioner or non-board certified plastic surgeon is never advised, the risks involved with injecting fillers into the nose can cause major problems. “There is no magic cure to anything,” says Keyes. “The nose is a contaminated area because it’s open to the air, so there is bacteria in the nose. There is always a potential for infection, so the surgeon or practitioner must be credentialed to handle all possible complications that may arise. Only with a board-certified surgeon or staff trained by someone board-certified can the effectiveness of these procedures be maximized while maintaining the highest levels of safety.”

How long will the fillers last?

Non-invasive procedures can provide great results, but they must be maintained every 4-5 months in order to remain. While this is the drawback to non-invasive procedures vs surgical procedures, surgeons are finding that some of these procedures appear to build off of each other, allowing patients to go longer before they need to maintain results. “Sometimes the results last longer for people who have had fillers injected multiple times,” says Keyes. “There is some growing evidence in these patients, that the fillers show resilience and make the results last even longer.”

The benefits of non-invasive procedures to help fix problem areas of the nose gives fantastic results, allowing patients to put off rhinoplasty and get back to living life.