The Plastic Surgery Channel

Breast Implant Explodes During Gaming Session?

Exploding breast implant? Is that possible? – William P. Adams Jr. MD hosts No Spin News and looks at the multiple reports from east Asia that a woman’s breast implants exploded after playing a video game for four hours.

William P. Adams Jr., MD

Most viewers don’t want spin and No Spin News delivers off-the-cuff credible information on plastic surgery topics. Reportedly, the gamer was lying on her bed and playing a game on her iphone when she started feeling pain in her chest. She was then rushed to hospital where the doctors confirmed an implant rupture.

The reality is, breast implants don’t just explode and certainly not after a gaming session lying on your chest. In fact,  you can drive a car over current breast implants and they remain intact!

If a breast implant does rupture – this is not an emergency, but the patient should see a  board certified plastic surgeon. It’s becoming more and more difficult to actually determine who are the  “real” plastic surgeons.  A good start is to look for these  logos:


These logos help patients ensure their plastic surgeon has gone through the appropriate training and certification.  In addition to  membership in one of the above societies patients should make sure that breast  surgery is an area of expertise for the surgeon.