The Plastic Surgery Channel

Jiggly Arm Fat? How to Lose it!

You diet and you exercise, yet you still have trouble with your upper arms.  Many people, especially women have this problem and it’s more pronounced for people who have lost a substantial amount of weight. The problem is, no matter how much you work out your triceps, you still will not be able to lose that extra flab.  Dr. Bruce Van Natta, a board certified plastic surgeon from Indianapolis, Indiana discusses the most effective way to improve your jiggly upper arms.

By: Bruce Van Natta, MD
and Susan Kamyab

Muscle Tone won’t Help Skin Tone

Women complain about their arm fat often, or what they call their bat wings.   The myth is, if you just work out a little harder you’ll be able to tighten up your upper arm and loose the fat.  Unfortunately, that’s rarely the case, says Dr. Bruce Van Natta. “There is absolutely no connection between muscle tone and skin tone.  You can’t improve that on your own.”

Variation in weight, growing older and even heredity can result in your upper arms having a droopy, saggy appearance.  Trying to maintain your tone by exercise may strengthen and improve the underlying muscle tone of the upper arm, but it will not remove the excess skin that has lost elasticity nor the underlying damaged tissues and localized fat deposits.  Losing a large amount of fat, either through diet and exercise, leaves people with sagging skin that can not be tightened by lifting weights.  It is a different kind of lift that will finally stop that arm from jiggling.

Lift that Arm into Shape

One of the best surgeries for getting rid of arm fat and having a more toned look is an arm lift procedure.  An arm lift, also known as a brachioplasty, is a surgical procedure that reforms the under portion of the upper arm, from the underarm region to the elbow.  According to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons, “upper-arm lifts have jumped a surprising 4,378 percent in the past decade.”  This is commonly performed on patients who want to tone up after going through dramatic weight loss.

An arm lift will reduce excess skin and fat of the underarm, reshape your arm to give you smoother skin and contours, and result in a more toned and proportionate appearance.  “Incision length and pattern depend on the amount and location of excess skin to be removed, as well as the best judgment of your plastic surgeon,” says Van Natta.  Incisions are normally placed on the inside of the arm or on the back of the arm, and may extend from the underarm to just above the elbow.  If fat needs to be removed during your arm lift, it will be taken out with liposuction.

Long-Lasting Results

As long as you maintain a steady weight and general fitness, the results of your arm lift surgery will be long-lasting.  As your body ages it will naturally lose some firmness, but, for the most part, your improvement should be fairly permanent.

“Stop beating yourself up trying to tone up your arms in the gym,” says Van Natta. “If the skin is too loose, it’s not going to get better by lifting weights. Seek consultation with a board certified plastic surgeon, and find out how you can get tightened and toned upper arms.”