The Plastic Surgery Channel

Top 5 Things You Need To Know Before Breast Augmentation

If you gathered 25 women in a room, you might be surprised how many of them have had breast implant surgery. It isn’t just for Hollywood starlets and top models, the neighbor next door may be part of a growing number of women who want to feel better about their look.

In 2011, more than 300,000 breast augmentation surgeries were performed in the United States and the numbers continue to climb each year.  Still, women have questions about what to expect before and after the operation, along with concerns about size and shape. Dr. Ned Snyder of Austin, Texas guides us through the process to a new you, describing the Top 5 Things You Need To Know Before A Breast Augmentation.

By: Ned Snyder, MD
and Dawn Tongish

#1 – Which Type Of Breast Implant Is Best For Me?

Women want to feel beautiful inside and out and to achieve that confidence, they are turning to breast augmentation, says Dr. Ned Snyder. “Breast augmentation is one of the top consultations that we see in our office. Woman want to feel good in their clothes  and boost their confidence in the workplace.” Once a woman has decided on breast augmentation, often her first question is about which breast implant is the best choice. Dr. Snyder explains the difference between the options available, but says he uses primarily silicone gel.

“There are saline, which really just a bag of water and there are silicone gel implants. If someone has almost no breast tissue, there may be an advantage to putting in something that is shaped or natural, but if someone just wants to go up a cup size, it may be less important what it is shaped like.” Dr. Snyder explains his preference at his practice.

“At our practice in Austin, I use mostly round silicone.”

#2 – What Breast Implant Size Is Best For Me?

If you polled most women considering breast augmentation, their goal wouldn’t be to stand out from the crowd. Experts say the desired result, for most is to look better in a bathing suit and fit most types of clothing with ease. Dr. Snyder agrees that his patients are in it to show off a big bosom to the masses. “Most women don’t want everyone to know they have had augmentation. They just have a goal to look better in what they wear.”

To help a woman decide what implant size is best, Dr. Snyder uses devices called, “sizers” and sports bras. “I have them sit in front of a mirror with this new look on and see how it looks. They might even bring in a girlfriend or a spouse to see if someone else likes the size on them.” Dr. Snyder says a photo is always helpful. “A picture can work great because that gives me an idea of what they want to look like. It is a starting point.”

#3 – Who Is the Best Candidate For A Breast Augmentation?

Women of all ages, shapes and sizes are seeking breast augmentations and experts say there are good candidates from nearly all walks of life. “Some are younger, like the 22-year old woman who has never been pregnant and just wants to look better in a bathing suit,” says Dr. Snyder. He says  the majority of his clients are women who are a bit older, who are done having children. “They are past the pregnancy years. The childbirth has really taken a toll on their body and the breast has deflated. They want to get it fixed.”

This breast augmentation might be a stand alone procedure or part of a bigger Mommy Makeover, involving several procedures like a Tummy Tuck and liposuction.

#4 – What Can I Expect During The Breast Surgery?

You can expect relatively little downtime with breast augmentation. “Breast augmentation is a simple procedure. It takes about an hour or so and usually the patient goes home the same day,” says Dr. Snyder. The patient can be back to normal activities in 3-5 days, according to experts. More strenuous workouts, like jogging could take longer to recover. New, long-acting pain medications injected into the muscle during the procedure help patients recover with greater ease.

#5 – Will There Be A Lot Of Down Time? Will I have To Miss Work Or School?

Breast augmentation candidates may be surprised to learn that they won’t need a lot of recovery time post-surgery. “If we do the procedure on Thursday, most people can be back to work by Monday or Wednesday at the latest. Our patients are usually feeling fairly good within a few days,” says Dr. Snyder.

“It really isn’t a lot of downtime and most women say they wished they hadn’t waited so long.” Women don’t have to feel embarrassed about wanting a new look. Insecurities or body image worries can be swept away for good. You can feel good about your decision to get implants because so many other women are making the same choice.

“Many times it is just about getting your body back to a place that it once was, where you feel better and look like you once did.” says Dr. Snyder.