The Plastic Surgery Channel

Joan Rivers Passes, Dr. Oz Decides to Blame Plastic Surgery

The passing of Joan Rivers has rekindled interest and attention onto her long career. Still going strong at 81, Joan has bedazzled, insulted and intrigued audiences for more years than most can count. Another aspect of her life that defies computation is the amount of plastic surgery procedures she had performed!

By Williams P. Adams Jr., MD
and Adam McMillon

Even with her robust relationship with cosmetic surgery, her final medical procedure that inadvertently took her life was not plastic surgery related. Dr. Oz apparently missed this memo when he had the gall to say at her funeral, “I told her to be careful with plastic surgery.”

The last time anyone heard from Dr. Oz he was being grilled on Capital Hill about a bogus weight-loss drug he’d been promoting. Last time we checked, having a biopsy on your vocal chords was not a plastic surgery procedure.

Joan Rivers was always concerned about anesthesia, and she was on the right track— you should always be careful and know the credentials of your doctors. Having your mind at ease can be achieved when you verify the background of your plastic surgeon and anesthesiologist. Both need to be board certified in order to give you the best quality of care and insurance against complications.

RIP, Joan!