The Plastic Surgery Channel

The Ultimate Mommy Makeover Leaves Breasts Scar-Free

There’s no denying that the mommy makeover procedure – the combination of a breast augmentation with an abdominoplasty to rejuvenate lost volume and contour following multiple pregnancies – is more popular than ever. Both abdominoplasty and breast augmentation consistently rank in the top 5 surgical procedures for cosmetic surgery each year, a statistic that shows these corrective surgeries are strongly desired by patients.

With an abundance of interested patients comes an abundance of new science and technology to get the best results with the least amount of pain and downtime possible. Dr. Richard Zienowicz of Rhode Island employs a unique procedure that begins with a tummy tuck (abdominoplasty) and then utilizes that procedure to place breast implants through the abdomen. By putting the implants through the abdomen, Zienowicz is able to perform a breast augmentation without any scars on the breast. Transabdominal breast augmentation, known as TABA, is what Dr. Zienowicz likes to call, “The Ultimate Mommy Makeover.”

By Richard Zienowicz, MD
and Adam McMillon
The Plastic Surgery Channel

What happened to my breasts and abdomen?

Every day, new mom’s discover what mother’s have endured for recorded history: Skin laxity and stretch marks in the abdomen and loss of volume and shape to their breasts following pregnancy. With all the energy and life mother’s pour into their children as they grow in the womb, areas of the body take abuse. The abdomen obviously stretches to accommodate the growing child, causing skin to stretch, often time leaving stretch marks and  loose skin. The breasts also swell, grow and change shape due to hormones and breast feeding.

At the end of the day, these physical sacrifices are worth it for mothers. And yet, shouldn’t they deserve their bodies back, too?

Restoration of beauty

Never before have mothers had the opportunities that now exist to correct these physical issues. Better science, technology and understanding culminate to offer patients a legitimate way to get their pre-pregnancy bodies back. Abdominoplastys correct stretched abdominal muscles while taking out loose skin while breast augmentation restores lost volume and contour in the breasts.

Dr. Richard Zienowicz employs a single procedure to correct both issues, a procedure known as Transabdominal Breast Augmentation, or TABA. “TABA… you talk about the ultimate mommy makeover!” says Dr. Zienowicz. “In one fell swoop, you remove all the loose skin, but then you use that incision site to introduce the implants to the breast… so you augment them, but with no scars.”

Because the surgeon already has the abdomen open in order to perform a tummy tuck, TABA simply involves running the implants up and through the abdomen, rather than creating an incision on the chest or armpit to insert the implants.

In addition to offering a scar-less breast augmentation, Zienowicz is able to alter the inframammary fold (where the bottom of the breast meets the chest) by having control of the abdominal tissue. “TABA allows you to have full control on the inframammary fold, so that by placing the implant through and pulling the abdominal tissues down, you redistribute all that tissue and reset the inframammary fold to where it needs to be,” explains Zienowicz. “It’s incredibly powerful.”

New Implants, Even Better Results

Scientists and researchers are constantly improving technology for surgeons to utilize, including the breast implants themselves. While TABA can achieve incredible results, utilizing new shaped implants allows for even better restoration. As Dr. Zienowicz himself admits, true rejuvenation is possible with the new implant choices.

“With the new shaped implants that we have, it allows you to capture that up-sweep of the lower pole so that you can lift the nipple-areola complex higher,” says Zienowicz. “With this technique. you can really rejuvenate the breast, truly rejuvenate it.”