The Plastic Surgery Channel

Big Results, Little Downtime with the Halo Laser

We’d all like to look a little more refreshed, but with busy schedules there’s no time for “downtime”. That’s where the Halo by Sciton can become everyone’s best friend, helping to reduce fine lines and wrinkles, pigmentation problems and even pore size. Dr. Jason Pozner with Sanctuary Medical in Boca Raton is one of the first in the nation to use the Halo and his patients are enjoying a new youthful glow.

by Jason Pozner, MD
and Beverly Brooks
The Plastic Surgery Channel

The Halo is a quick easy treatment with results being seen within weeks of the treatment!

What Does the Halo Treat?

One of the most noticeable changes are with the patients pigment. It can also smooth out fine lines and wrinkles. Pozner has found that one 15 to 30 minute treatment with Halo vastly reduces sun damage, and a 30-60% reduction in pore size.

“This is the first time I’ve ever seen anything with such a huge impact on pores,” says Pozner. “Previously it would take me six months to impact the skin, however with the Halo we are able to reverse damage in the course of a weekend and vastly improve the appearance of a patient’s skin.”

What is the Halo

Halo is the world’s first and only “hybrid” fractional laser. That means all the treatments can be customized. Halo applies wavelengths in a single pass to maximize results and reduce downtime.

With Halo, you get results with minimal down time while rejuvenating the skin.

It combines deep dermal rejuvenation with epidermal renewal for a combined effect you can’t get with any other treatment.

Recovery After Treatment

Patients receive a topical anesthetic treatment before the procedure begins to reduce the sensation.  The laser also has an integrated cooling tip which keeps the skin comfortable during and after treatment. Most patients say they feel a little heat and occasionally a prickling sensation. After 24 hours the skin will begin to peel but makeup can be applied after a day or two depending on how many passes have been used by the laser.

After two to three days you will develop a light bronzing appearance. By day three or four your skin will peel, revealing your new skin beneath.

Noticeable Results

Pigment improvement can be seen within the first couple of weeks. A dermal regeneration phase follows the treatment, which continues to improve the texture of your skin for months. Each additional Halo treatment will improve the results, however it’s important to keep skin protected by using UV sunscreen for optimal results.