The Plastic Surgery Channel

Cellfina: The First True Treatment for Cellulite

When it comes to the body, there may be nothing more annoying than cellulite. Slim, toned, muscular, tall, short… Cellulite doesn’t discriminate when it settles on your buttocks and legs. While men can be afflicted, cellulite typically strikes women, causing that dimpled, orange-peel texture that can stain even the fittest of bodies.

Years have passed and billions have been spent to solve the riddle of cellulite to no avail, that is until now. Dr. Grant Stevens of Marina Del Rey sat down to discuss Cellfina, a newly approved minimally-invasive technology that has been proven to stamp out cellulite. For the millions of women out there trying everything they can to rid their bodies of cellulite, the answer may be here.

By Grant Stevens, MD
and Adam McMillon
The Plastic Surgery Channel

The staggering footprint of cellulite

Cellulite is a problem that doesn’t just affect some people; studies have shown that a tremendous amount of women suffer at least to some extent. “85% of women have cellulite and 100% of them can’t stand it,” remarks Dr. Stevens. “We’ve spent billions of dollars – literally – on lotions and potions and things that haven’t worked. Women are frustrated.”

A real answer with Cellfina

To combat cellulite, scientists and physicians have worked for years to come up with some type of solution. Successful research has spawned Cellfina, a new device that eliminates areas of cellulite without surgery. “Finally with Cellfina, we have a non-surgical, long-lasting, FDA approved treatment for cellulite,” says Stevens. “With Cellfina, it’s minimally invasive. In fact, patients drive themselves into the office and drive themselves home!”

How does it work?

Cellulite is caused by fibrous tissue that pins down the skin in parts, allowing other tissue to come up in between and cause the dimpling. Cellfina reduces cellulite by slicing these small bands underneath the skin, allowing the tissues to relax and the layer of skin to smooth out.

“We mark the little divots and depressions that the patient doesn’t like,” explains Stevens. “We then take the patient to the treatment room, anesthetize the buttocks and lateral thighs, and then apply the Cellfina device over the depressions. We watch the cellulite come up to the surface. The fibers are released and the buttock is smooth, even right there on the table.”

Recovery and results

Most minimally invasive or non-invasive procedures still have a recovery period, and many require months to actually see full results. However, one powerful aspect of Cellfina is the fact that a percentage of the final results are instantaneous. “There is some bruising which will last a couple of weeks, but I encourage women to go to dinner,” says Stevens. “They can even go to the gym the next day!”

“We found that 94% of the women love the procedure at one year. They ranked it as excellent! But at two years, 96% ranked it as excellent. This is a long-lasting solution to cellulite.”