The Plastic Surgery Channel

Exercise to Amplify Tummy Tuck Results

When you reach a time and place in life for a physical change, plastic surgery may seem like the answer to a toned tummy, but there are other solutions to reach similar results. “Don’t discount exercise and diet,” says board certified plastic surgeon Laurie Casas, MD. “If you are ready to go the surgical route, make sure you are eating well and exercising regularly before your procedure.”

by Laurie Casas, MD
and The Plastic Surgery Channel

Surgery doesn’t excuse a bad diet. Dieting combined with exercise can be a good compliment to surgery by building up the abdominal muscles. “Those muscles need to be in good shape post surgery so that you can optimize the results and maintain a nice taught tummy,” says Dr. Casas.

Can Your Body Recover After Babies?

Women often wonder if their body can ever bounce back after pregnancy and the answer is yes, absolutely it can! “Often times a woman can look better than ever.” In some cases women may even be able to avoid surgery all together, depending on the number of children, their age, eating habits and other factors. “My approach may be a bit more conservative than other surgeons. I never discount the power of a healthy lifestyle.”

Locating the best surgeon for your needs

Just like shopping for a dentist, daycare or even a car, it takes due diligence to find the appropriate fit.  “Credentialing is key. There are really only 2 top tier society’s that matter when it comes to researching a plastic surgeon and they are ASAPS and ASPS.” Dr. Casas is a member of both societies and practices in Glenview, Illinois.

Your research should go beyond networking and asking friends. That’s just part of the process to finding a good surgeon. “I tell everyone, go to these doctors and get a consultation. Find out if they have a plan that works for you. There could be some pros and cons and some limitations to what the surgeon can do for your individualized situation.

“First and foremost, is the surgeon listening to you? That is key,” says Casas.


Recovery following abdominoplasty is much better than it has been in the past, however, “We tell our patients to allow plenty of time for rest. Come up with a good game plan and allow family and friends to help you care for the rest of the family while you recover. We don’t want you to overdo your activities,” says Dr. Casas. Generally, tummy tuck patients will have some discomfort and limited activity for the first couple of days but with each day will gain more mobility and return to their normal, daily schedule. Discussing a graduated return to normal activity with your surgeon before your surgery will help your recovery process go smoothly.

At your follow up appointment, be sure to develop a healthy diet and exercise plan with your surgeon and his or her staff to maximize your surgical result!