The Plastic Surgery Channel

No More Cellulite Dimples!

We try to get rid of it by applying creams, massaging, and even dieting, but nothing seems to work. We’re talking about cellulite and almost every woman out there is affected. What is cellulite and how do we get rid of it? A newly FDA approved procedure called Cellfina may be the answer.

By Robert Whitfield, MD
The Plastic Surgery Channel

The anatomy of cellulite

“Cellulite is the abnormal attachment or banding between the skin on the surface and the fat beneath it,” says Dr. Robert Whitfield, of Austin, Texas. Understanding the anatomy helps to understand why cellulite has always been such a problem. There is skin, then subcutaneous fat right beneath the skin that is responsive to diet and exercise and then there is deep fat. Cellulite adhesions have been resistant to almost any attack over the years. Diet and exercise won’t touch it. Topical creams and potions do absolutely no good. Even liposuction is not the answer as it is only used to remove deep compartmentalized fat deposits.

An FDA approved treatment

Cellfina is a minimally invasive technique that can be done in your plastic surgeon’s office under local anesthesia. “Cellfina works to release the abnormal tensions between skin and fat,” says Dr. Whitfield, “resolving the majority of the dimpling in the posterior thigh and buttocks area that bothers most women.”

Cellfina is the first FDA approved treatment for cellulite that is showing long lasting results. Dr. Whitfield is amazed by the level of patient satisfaction, “94% of patients are satisfied with the results.”

Cellfina works by treating a discreet area, vacuuming the area into the device, then local anesthesia is injected into the area. Once the anesthesia takes effect and the area is numb, the device frays the connective tissue bands in the fat to release the skin thus releasing the dimpling known as cellulite.

Recovery and results

The treatments can be done in office in about an hour and patients should expect minimal soreness and bruising. Allowing 24 hours to return to a full normal day of activity. Results will reveal themselves in about three days and can last up to three years!

Whitfield is impressed with the results and says, “This is the first treatment for cellulite that I have ever felt comfortable using and offering to patients with cellulite where I feel confident that we can actually treat the deformity with success.  It just make sense!”