The Plastic Surgery Channel

More Breast Implant Choices: Smooth or Textured?

Millions of women make the decision to have a breast augmentation, then comes the next step: choosing an implant. Modern implants come in a variety of shapes and form, each one being better suited for different patient anatomies. When researching these implants alone, there is a lot of information overload about which is the best breast. Dr. Dan Del Vecchio takes a look at the main two types and helps break down the right choice for your body type and lifestyle.

by The Plastic Surgery Channel
and Daniel Del Vecchio, MD

Implant Textures, Two Choices

There are two texture options when it comes to choosing a breast implant: smooth or textured. The textured surface is rough, while the smooth is just as it sounds. It is important to consider the options when deciding which is best for you. Each implant has different uses and benefits. Textured cost more than smooth. Del Vecchio says the marketplace continues to add options. “We recently had the opportunity to get the textured anatomic implant in the United States and that’s good news.” He goes on to add that some physicians may not be as well-trained to know what is the proper use of the textured implant. “The not so good news is how to use them, who to use them in, what are the indications.”

Which is The Better Choice

Experts continue to argue which implant is the better choice. The majority of breast augmentation surgeries are done using smooth implants. Many surgeons prefer the benefits of the smooth because of the softer feel and its longevity. Del Vecchio says he can mold the smooth implant to suit any body type. “I put the implant in and look at the breast and then do whatever to make it look better with additional fat.” He adds that any imperfections can be improved.

“It’s like a carpenter building the walls of a room, they take caulking and trim to fix the imperfections that are more superficial.” – Dan Del Vecchio, MD


What’s the Word on Textured Implants

Textured implants were created to keep them from slipping once they were placed inside the breast pocket. This is really important when an implant is the shape of a teardrop. There has also been thought that textured implants would help lower the risk of capsular contracture, when scar tissue hardens and makes the implant protrude into distorted shapes. Some believe there is no solid evidence to conclude the claim is correct. “I think about the anatomic implant like a toupee. If it’s placed perfectly it’s ok, if it’s off just a little bit, you begin to see a problem.”

Del Vecchio says he has seen some good results from textured implant surgeries, but there have been reports of some rippling and leaking after shifting took place. Leaking is a problem that can also happen in smooth implants. In the future, Del Vecchio thinks the choice in implants may be the textured, with the addition of fat to help smooth out the rough edges and make it soft to the touch.

“When you touch that breast, it will feel firm and not so natural, but if you have fat over that device, that is when you get the best of both worlds.”