The Plastic Surgery Channel

Lose the Double Chin and Gain Youth

Just a little addition to fat and loose skin to the neck can take a dramatic toll on how youthful one appears, especially when it comes to men. Because men tend to gain fat in their faces, even the smallest amount can make an impact.

The good news is just as easily as that fat can accumulate with age, so too can it be easily removed. Dr. Daniel Maman of New York City is excited about offering a myriad of surgical and non-surgical devices to help men lose that bit of fat under their chin. Dr. Maman is especially proud of their practices ability to offer liposuction under local, a procedure he thinks to be superior to all when it comes to rejuvenating the neck.

A common complaint

We’re noticing our perfections and imperfections more than ever before now that nearly everyone walks around with a high definition camera in our pockets. While it may seem like many are just now noticing the way their neck lifts, the unfortunate truth is it all gets us at some point, especially men.

“The neck and chin area is perhaps the most common reason that we see men seeking treatment,” says Dr. Maman of 740 Park Plastic Surgery. “Men will often complain about a double chin that they see in pictures, that they see in the mirror in the morning when they’re shaving. Another common complaint is fattiness or fullness of the neck.”

Surgery or No Surgery, Is the Choice Obvious?

The explosion of non-surgical treatments in plastic surgery has allowed for some promising options for men looking to tighten up their neck. The CoolSculpting device recently offers a hand piece aimed at “freezing the fat” under the chin, resulting in fat loss with no incisions or downtime. Various manufacturers offer radiofrequency devices that slowly heat the fat which then dissolves, and even one new product, Kybella®, is a simple injection that dissolves the fat.

These treatments have a place in Maman’s practice, especially when enticing men on the run who have no time to lose by recovering. Even so, Maman’s liposuction treatment is his go-to choice of technique.

“What we find in our practice offering the full range of treatments is that actually most men are best treated by liposuction,” says Maman. “It’s quite simple, we do it under local anesthesia in the office, it takes about 30-45 minutes and is painless. It’s performed through minuscule incisions that we hide underneath the chin or behind the earlobes.”

Cost and recovery, or what drives men from liposuction

The massive draw to non-surgical treatments is how quick both the procedure and downtime are. For many, the downtime is next to nothing and patients may even be able to return to work. The catch is for results, these treatments must be done multiple times over months, unlike the one-time liposuction procedure.

“When I talk to men about liposuction, they want to know two things: cost and downtime and recovery,” explains Maman. “The truth is when you look at cost and compare the cost of liposuction to many of the non-surgical modalities, liposuction turns out to be the most economical.”

“Downtime after liposuction is actually quite minimal because it’s a relatively small area being treated and the overall volume of the fat being removed is small, yet still impactful. Men can oftentimes go back to work in two days.”

Still, complexity and variety in the treatment options offer surgeons all sorts of treatments for all sorts of people. “By offering all of these treatments,” says Maman, “we are able to choose what’s best and most effective for the patient and also what best correlates to their lifestyle.”