The Plastic Surgery Channel

The Three E’s of Augmentation

The first step of your breast enhancement journey begins with finding a qualified surgeon. In the Midwest, the search for a surgeon may very well lead you to Dr. Craig Colville, a highly respected and sought after plastic surgeon based in Ohio. If you think the logical next step in the journey is scheduling a surgery date, you would be skipping over several important components of the consultation process: Education, Examination and Expectations. Dr. Colville breaks down the three E’s, leading to happy patients at his busy Toledo practice.

by Anne Meyer
and Craig Colville, MD


“The first thing I tell a patient is we’re going to sit down and we’re going to educate them, so that they understand what the operation is about,” explains Colville. “They’re going to make the choice.  I’m not going to tell them what they should have.  They’ll learn enough to be able to ask for what they want.”  The topics he educates his patients on include implant material selection, implant sizing, implant placement above or below the muscle and incision location options.  The patient education process may extend into multiple visits, and Dr. Colville encourages patients to bring close family members or friends who have concerns about surgery and recovery along with them to learn about the procedure and to ask questions.


“The next thing I tell the patient is we’re going to look at them physically,” continues Colville.  “We’re not going to just sit in a consult room and schedule surgery.  We’re going to look at them and look at their body and their breasts.” The examination portion of the consultation involves taking measurements of the chest and breasts as well as taking and studying photos and three dimensional images.  The technology advances in 3D imaging allow Colville’s patients to examine their own bodies from a new and different perspective. “You can put them in front of a mirror or put them in front of their own photograph,” says Colville, “but when they can see their own body rotated around in space, and can see the changes that can take place, it’s amazing.”


Dr. Colville emphasizes the importance of understanding differences in body proportion and build when discussing a patient’s expectations for the desired outcome.  “That’s why, when people look at pictures, it’s important to also look at the preoperative situation.  Because, if you’re not built like that girl is pre-op, your result will look a little different.”  The implant that looks great on your friend or relative and was  just the right size for them, may not be the right choice for your body type.  

“We want to make sure the patient’s body and their tissues are going to match up with their wishes.  I try to get them to concentrate more on the look, not on exact cup size, not on exact implant size, not an exact dimension of any kind, but a look that they want.  How do they want to look in a dress, how do they want to look in a swimsuit?  It’s really about proportion.”  By taking the time during a consultation to ensure that a patient’s goals are attainable for their unique body and tissues prior to moving forward with surgery, Colville is able to keep his satisfaction rate high.