The Plastic Surgery Channel

The Rhinoplasty Society in Versailles

Established in 1996, The Rhinoplasty Society is the premier organization in the world dedicated to the ongoing education of surgeons interested in nasal surgery. Through this “fraternity” over 100 of the most respected rhinoplasty surgeons in the world dedicate their efforts and share their innovations to improve the quality of rhinoplasty. Dr. Geoffrey Keyes of Los Angeles, California is the President of the Rhinoplasty Society and is eager to spread the word about the upcoming International Meeting of Rhinoplasty Societies (IMRHIS) in Paris-Versailles, France, September 8-10. “This joint meeting organized by the societies of the United States and the Europeans promises to be the largest meeting devoted to rhinoplasty in history. We are hoping surgeons from around the world will join us for this very special occasion. Not only will this be a fabulous social experience with our French hosts, but 50 great surgeons will be demonstrating a wide variety of techniques and new procedures that are sure to refine our collective approaches to the art of rhinoplasty.”

by Isabel Bolt
and Geoffrey Keyes, MD

A Super Specialty

Some may ask why rhinoplasty deserves its own society. Dr. Keyes explains, “Nose surgery is widely accepted as the most complicated of aesthetic procedures. Even in the case of a primary rhinoplasty, there are a number of interrelated steps required to achieve facial harmony. Secondary nose surgery (a revision or correction to the primary operation) is particularly complex potentially involving cartilage grafts from other parts of the body.” A change in the tip of the nose may influence a change in the bridge or radix. Bones may need to be narrowed. Aside from the aesthetic pursuit of the “perfect” nose, there is also a functional aspect that is equally important, so breathing quality cannot be compromised.

Who’s Who—From Beginner to Expert

Dr. Keyes emphasizes that the meeting is open to any board certified surgeon in the following specialties: the American Board of Plastic Surgery, the American Board of Otolaryngology, the American Board of Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery or an equivalent foreign examining board. “We are expecting a full spectrum of surgeons who perform rhinoplasty. This is an opportunity to learn a great deal about the nuances of the procedure from master rhinoplasty surgeons from all over the world whose published works define the specialty.” Dr. Keyes describes his fellow colleagues specializing in rhinoplasty as “…particularly enthusiastic. They love performing nasal surgery and joining others of like mind to share ideas and techniques.”

What to Expect in Versailles

The program will feature everything from basic principles and techniques by select master surgeons, mastery of functional nasal surgery, approaches to congenital deformities, break-out sessions of specific areas of interest and keynote lectures by premier educators. There will also be advanced techniques and new concepts to explore, according to Dr. Keyes. “One example is taking the bone down on the dorsum. Cartilage and bone are quite hard and little irregularities can occur over the years. Using dental-like equipment we can demonstrate how to refine this condition. Tip reconstruction is another area considered problematic, so there will be lectures addressing a variety of anatomic types of tips.” Also on the agenda: sutures, cart splitting, grafting, osteotomies and proper handling of the radix to match the nasofacial angle, dorsum and tip.

Will there be lively debates and controversial topics? Mais oui, bien sur! Don’t miss it. For more information about membership please go to:

The meeting website can be found at