The Plastic Surgery Channel

Vaginal Wellness for Better Sex, Healthier Living

Childbirth takes a toll on the body and the changes can reach all the way ‘down there.’ After having a baby, women can often experience vaginal laxity and dryness, which can cause painful intercourse and embarrassing incontinence.

Women afflicted may consider surgery, pelvic exercises and even resort to sanitary napkins to control leakage. Experts say there’s a better way. Board certified plastic surgeon Dr. Grant Stevens of Marina Del Rey specializes in sexual wellness and says women of all ages are seeing huge changes with a new treatment.

The Year Of The Vagina

Women no longer have to live with the changes that come with becoming a mother. It’s part of the reason Dr. Stevens is calling it the, “Year of the Vagina.” He says it’s all about women wanting to feel better about their bodies and reclaim their sexuality. “2017 has clearly been about women taking control of sexual wellness, and it’s bigger than sex even, it’s everything south of the border,” explains Stevens.

He says new technology is helping women assume control of their aging southern region. “Women for many years have had certain complaints about stuff down under, and lately we have had a number of technologies hit the scene for ways to increase their sexual happiness for themselves and their partner.

Stevens says he has tried several devices that claim to improve vaginal laxity and increase lubrication, but has settled on Viveve as the premiere gynecologic treatment. He says it is safe and effective and uses radio frequency technology. “It’s like a gynecological exam or pap smear and it’s only one exam, one treatment.”

Stevens explains that unlike some competitors that require longer treatments, the Viveve procedure is much shorter. “It’s about 20 minutes, as compared to about 45 minutes,” Stevens says.

Better Sex and Other Benefits

Women often seek treatment when sex becomes unbearably painful or is no longer satisfying because of the lack of vaginal tightness. Stevens says with this non-surgical treatment, many of those complaints can be remedied. “The cool thing is, it’s not only helpful in terms of tightening and sexual wellness for the patient and her partner, but there’s an increase in lubrication, which is both good for sex and for comfort.” He says with the Viveve treatment, dryness is no longer a problem. “There is less irritation because lubrication increases.”

There’s nothing worse than constantly running to the restroom or worrying about laughing too hard or sneezing due to the potential for ‘leakage’. Viveve promises to improve stress urinary incontinence. “With the Viveve treatment there is no more leaking when you laugh, cough or sneeze,” explains Stevens. “While working out you don’t have to run to the gym restroom every few minutes, that’s also improved.”

Stevens says he has seen remarkable changes in many of his patients. “They have better sex and are more comfortable because they aren’t peeing in their pants – so it’s a no brainer.”

Is It Right For You?

Some women may feel uncomfortable or a little reserved discussing the procedure, or even undergoing the treatment. Stevens says that’s normal and reassures patients that female staff members in his office perform the procedure. “Patients who come in may be kind of shy, so they talk to the female staff members, who then perform the treatment.” He says most patients leave feeling restored, with a fresh outlook. “They come in wanting better sex, but they end up enjoying so much more including all the quality of life issues,” says Stevens.

Women of all ages seek out the treatment. Stevens says he is seeing a wide range of females opting to have the treatment, including cancer patients. “It’s women of all ages who have any complaints about vaginal dryness, or women who want better sex,” he shares. “They leave with better lubrication, feeling tighter and they are happier.”