The Plastic Surgery Channel

The SKINNY: Why Liposuction Works Great For Fit Bodies

It may not be widely known that liposuction is especially effective on very fit and thin people. It’s true! Most people picture a heavier set person undergoing liposuction to remove stubborn fat deposits, but experts say even the fit and trim person can benefit greatly from the body contouring procedure.

Lipo Works On Fit People, Too

Hollywood’s hottest celebrities clued into the secret long ago – liposuction works even on slender body types. Very few among the rich and famous are willing to admit to having liposuction, but reports indicate that plenty of the elite have used liposuction to trim down problem areas of stubborn fat. “Most of my patients are fit and thin,” says Dr. Daniel Y. Maman, a board certified plastic surgeon in New York City.

Maman practices in the upper east side of Manhattan, where he says his clientele is weight-conscious. Even so, he says liposuction is still a viable option. “People always ask, why are you doing a tummy tuck or liposuction on a thin patient? The truth is, many times they are better candidates.”

Maman says there is no reason to rule out body contouring for active people, who are having a tough time getting rid of fat with diet and exercise. “You could have a very thin female, who just happened to have large love handles and no matter how many times she went to spin class or boot camp, the fat would localize to the hips.” Maman says the on-the-go person who stays trim is just right for liposuction and may have good skin that supports the procedure.

What is “‘Skinny-Fat”?

Liposuction can be used to improve the appearance almost anywhere on the body including the face, arms, legs, torso and neck. It’s versatility makes it very popular, even for those who barely tip the scales. “There’s a concept called skinny fat where people are skinny, but they are fat because they aren’t fit,” says Dr. Jim Namnoum, a board certified plastic surgeon practicing in Atlanta.

According to Namnoum, there is a common misconception that thin people aren’t interested in liposuction or aren’t good candidates, which he says isn’t true. “I do think they are good candidates for liposuction and they are people who can have good results.” Namnoum also admits those on the slender side need to know the procedure can be more painful for the patient and more difficult for the surgeon. “I think it hurts them a little more and it can be more challenging for the surgeon to contour just right.”

Fat is Gone for Good

The good news is that liposuction permanently removes fat cells from the area, meaning they won’t be coming back if some weight is gained. It should never be used as a form of weight loss, but experts say it is effective in treating a flabby abdomen, muffin top or love handles. Those are areas of the body that tend to hold on to fatty deposits, making it difficult to shed the weight without help.

Liposuction may not be the answer for all body types, but many can benefit – even those who consider themselves among the fit and lean, the ones who just need a little help saying goodbye to fat. “They will look great and feel great,” says Dr. Maman.