The Plastic Surgery Channel

BodyTite: Tremendous Non-Surgical Rejuvenation for Face and Body

A revolutionary new technology by InMode Aesthetics is helping patients achieve skin-tightening results that previously were only attainable with surgical procedures. For the right patient, BodyTite and FaceTite can rejuvenate the skin on the body and the face with minimal downtime and nearly invisible incision points.

“This is one of the most exciting devices that I’ve seen come down the road,” shares board certified plastic surgeon Dr. Bruce Van Natta, one of the early adopters of BodyTite and FaceTite at his practice in Indianapolis, Indiana. “We’ve seen a lot of devices and treatments that present with big fanfare and then kind of burn out. They turn out not to do what they were advertised to do. But with this device, we can cause visible contraction of the tissues.”

In other words, BodyTite and FaceTite may just be a game changer.

As We Age, Fat Accumulates & Skin Sags

Most people gain more than just belly fat as they age. New deposits of fat appear in all kinds of unwanted locations: chins, arms, legs, bra rolls – you name it. The good news is that traditional liposuction is a reliable means of removing fat. The bad news is that less fat does not always translate to a younger looking face or body, all to do with the state of your skin. This is especially true the older we get. “You let the air out of the tire, it’s going to sag,” points out Van Natta.

Aging, fat and loose skin all go hand-in-hand. By the time many people enter their 40’s, their skin has already lost the ability to shrink back. This means that when fat is removed by liposuction, or any other weight loss method, the skin tends to hang loose.

Skin from head to toe is susceptible to the effects of aging. Jawlines, cheeks, breasts, tummies, butts, backs, legs and arms all begin to droop as the years go by. The problem with weight loss  and lipo patients is just that, how to tighten up the loose skin.

Until now, surgically removing excess skin has been the only reliable way to rejuvenate the face or body. While other technologies have come along over the years offering minimal tightening at best, they have largely fallen short on their promises to offer noticeable improvement. And while surgical skin tightening absolutely works, scars are always a part of the procedure. This is where BodyTite comes in to fill a scarless, skin tightening niche.

How BodyTite Technology Differs

BodyTite and FaceTite combine lipolysis (fat removal) with radio frequency energy. “Radiofrequency is a means of generating heat,” explains Van Natta. While too much heat may damage the body’s tissues, carefully controlled heating of tissues has been shown to stimulate contraction.  

The advantage of BodyTite and FaceTite over previous radio frequency technologies is the addition of a dual-pronged probe. One probe sits just above the surface of the skin and the second probe sits just below the surface within the fatty tissue that exists between the skin and the muscle layer. A tiny incision in the skin allows the probe to be inserted.

As Dr. Van Natta glides the probes around the treatment area, the device carefully monitors the temperature both on the surface and below the surface. Built in safety features prevent damage to the tissues, while delivering the maximum amount of energy needed to provide optimal tightening.

Treatment Areas & Patient Selection

Often, the first signs of aging in the face are seen along the jawline. FaceTite is a great option to tighten the jowls and rejuvenate the face. Do you have loose skin and excess fat below the chin? FaceTite can improve that too. 

“We are getting more proactive since we have these devices,” says Van Natta, who recently treated a thirty-six year old woman’s arms with BodyTite. “Why wait until you have a full-out batwing? It’s genetic. You see it in mom and grandma. You see it coming. She had seen what was happening with the other women in the family, and she didn’t want to join that club.”

FaceTite treatment areas:

BodyTite treatment areas:

Arms, thighs and abdomens are all popular treatment areas for BodyTite, and the applications are continually expanding. Van Natta has found it to be a great option for women who desire a small degree of lift in their breasts, but do not want the scars associated with breast lift surgery. In these women, he recommends combining BodyTite for the it’s skin tightening benefits with a device called Refine that provides an internal suspension lift. “It’s not going to work for everybody,” he adds, “but for patients who are good candidates, we think this is really an exciting development for the future.”

After the Procedure

Because BodyTite and FaceTite are non-surgical procedures, there is next to no recovery. Usually any fat removal or body contouring procedure involves wearing a compression garment of sorts afterwards, a way to make sure the results hold and are the best they may be. Depending on what was treated, this may be a suggestion by your surgeon. Beyond that, the procedure achieves a lot for an expenditure of time not unlike going to get your teeth cleaned.

“The results are impressive,” says Van Natta. “We typically have patients wear a little compression garment at night for a couple of weeks. You may get some swelling or bruising, but the recovery is relatively simple when compared with surgery.”

BodyTite and FaceTite may be exactly what the doctor ordered, and what surgeons have been waiting patiently for: a truly effective non-surgical device to tighten skin.