The Plastic Surgery Channel

Breast Revision Surgery, with a Twist

Breast augmentation remains one of the most popular aesthetic surgical procedures in the world. Every single one of these procedures will, at some point, require revision surgery. Many think this is because implants fail, but really the culprit is the process of aging and/or changing aesthetics due to aging.

Breast augmentation revision typically is aimed at a “deflation situation,” implant malposition and/or rippling, or simply a dissatisfaction with the way the implant makes a patient feel in terms of her body confidence. Dr. Steven Camp of Fort Worth takes a unique approach with his breast implant revision patients, called “breast revision with a twist.”

What is a “Deflation Situation”?

Dr. Camp sees quite a few patients who have had breast augmentation surgery but aren’t happy with their results. The breast revision patient is a special scenario. Not only does it require the surgeon to deal with the patient’s own breast tissue as well the body issues that she wants to improve, but also with an old scar and oftentimes, old implants. One of the more common issues that he encounters is what he calls a “deflation situation.” This is when patients come in with old saline implants that have actually deflated or lost volume with time.

Obviously, this adversely affects the shape of the breasts. While it may be the primary reason why these patients want to get an implant revision, they will also oftentimes complain that their skin feels thin. They can feel part of their ribs, and sometimes, they can even feel the edge of the implant itself or see a ripple. This presents a unique situation. How does the plastic surgeon cover up the new implant in a patient whose breast tissue has been weakened and stressed over time?

GalaFORM 3D Surgical Scaffold

Dr. Camp employs a couple of great new strategies for breast implant revision patients. He calls them “breast implant revision with a twist.” The first strategy is to utilize the GalaFORM 3D Surgical Scaffold. The nice thing about this product is that it comes in a shape that’s designed to mimic the curvature and cup of a woman’s natural breast. It looks like the inside of a well-fitted support bra, and acts accordingly. After about a year, the GalaFORM scaffold dissolves and is replaced with your own tissue.

It turns out that this tissue is 3 to 5 times stronger than a normal scar. By using GalaFORM, Dr. Camp, “gets the benefit of support, stability and shape” while also making the tissue stronger and thicker. This, in turn, provides more coverage for some of the things that might show up, such as seeing the edge of the device.

Breast Implants Today Are More Specific

In addition to scaffold support, the breast implants that surgeons can offer patients today are “perhaps a little more specific,” explains Dr. Camp. He uses a large volume of highly cohesive silicone gel implants, specifically because the gel has been manufactured to be less noticeable and to create less rippling at the edge of the device. They also feel softer and smoother. These new implants come in a wide range of sizes so it’s easy to find one or more that will work with a patient’s individual anatomy, desired outcome and lifestyle.

Breast Revision Surgery = Restored Body Confidence

Oftentimes, patients will have a breast augmentation and they’ll be really happy with their results for a few years. Then, “they lose that happy feeling,” says Dr. Camp. Why? It can be due to any number of things:

With age, the skin and tissues of the breast lose collagen. Couple this with perhaps an overly large implant the first time around and it can create a recipe for disaster. Breast revision patients will often say that they feel as if the implant slides around in their chest. They don’t feel as if their breasts are in the same place as they used to be post surgery. The difficult thing is that your breasts may look fine in a photo, but when you move, it’s not good.

The addition of the scaffold “helps things feel snug, youthful and perky again,” says Dr. Camp. This definitely translates into more body confidence for his patients. Looking good in a photo is great, but when it comes to your breasts, they need to feel great while in motion as well.

If you are feeling as if your breasts no longer fit who you are today, it may be time for an upgrade. The combination of the GalaFORM 3D Surgical Scaffold and a new cohesive gel breast implant can give you a pair of perky breast that will look good at rest and in motion, and better stand the test of time.