The Plastic Surgery Channel

Making The Most of Your Breast Augmentation Revision Consultation

As with any operation, a patient hopes for a perfect outcome. Sometimes, however, there is a need, or even just a desire, to repeat a surgical procedure. It can be stressful and frustrating when a procedure like a breast augmentation requires a revision, but as board certified plastic surgeon Dr. Jason Cooper explains, a successful secondary surgery begins with the consultation.

Bring Out The Best

It’s unsettling to have a cosmetic procedure turn out less than satisfactory. For women, who experience problems with breast augmentation, experts like Dr. Cooper advise seeking out a consultation with a board certified plastic surgeon to determine the best course of treatment. “It’s very important to get a consultation and be prepared,” according to Dr. Cooper. He says having some background on the previous surgery helps to understand what may have gone wrong.

“Many times, patients will do all sorts of research on the internet and show up to the office somewhat empty-handed when they’ve already had a breast procedure 5-10 years ago, or even 20 years ago.” Cooper says that documents from the previous surgery can be helpful to the process. “What I like to tell my patients is if they can track down old operative reports, or find their breast implant card, that usually has their catalog and serial number, as well as size and shape of the implant,” says Cooper. He indicates that those measurements and information will help in replacing the breast implants.

Lack of Information – Don’t Stress

Dr. Cooper adds that a woman shouldn’t stress out if she can’t find the information. “It’s not uncommon to have none of this information and it doesn’t mean that we can’t do a great job and achieve an excellent result.”  He adds that to review previous surgical notes and information is a big bonus, but understands it’s not always possible. “This helps us get the possible outcome in a result,” Cooper says.

He also notes that he doesn’t get too concerned about if the data is lost or can’t be found. The information is useful, but not necessarily critical. “We can focus on the future without those details from the past,” says Cooper.

Picture Perfect

One of the best items to bring along to the secondary consultation is a photo of your dream outcome. “I also think it’s super important for people to bring in a wish photo. Many times, patients will talk about wanting to be bigger or smaller, but a picture is worth a thousand words,” details Cooper. He says the “wish photo” works as a guide post throughout the consultation, and even in the operating room where it’s important to understand the goals of the patient, when the patient can’t speak.

“That wish photo goes into the operating room, along with the patients pre-operative photo, and I really try to do my best to match that wish photo to the patients goals and desires. This is one way to achieve that objective.” Cooper says it’s important to save critical information the first time just in case there’s a need for an update.