The Plastic Surgery Channel

No Spin Live Episode 70 – Allergan’s Newly Approved CoolTone

Allergan, the company that makes Botox as well as the Juvéderm line of fillers, is in the news again. Biopharmaceutical company Abb Vie is buying Allergan for a whopping $63 billion dollars. Part of what makes the company so viable is their wide range of successful products and acquisitions, notably for the latter, the now-wildly successful CoolSculpting.

The company also just received FDA clearance for a CoolSculpting derivative aimed at muscle stimulation: CoolTone. In Episode 70 of No Spin Live, Dr. Jason Pozner of Boca Raton, Dr. Guarav Bharti of Charlotte and Dr. Ashley Gordon of Austin discuss this new device and why competition, in their opinion, is always a good thing.

CoolTone Gets FDA Clearance

Allergan is a company known for being at the cutting-edge in terms of non-surgical modalities for improving skin tone and texture, and reducing fat. With their latest device, CoolTone, they are now entering the realm of muscle stimulation as well.

Designed to compete with Emsculpt, which up until now was the only device for improving muscle mass, “CoolTone allows patients to gain some muscle definition and improve muscle size,” explains Dr. Pozner. This is something that is often hard for many patients to achieve with sit-ups alone.

What is CoolTone?

CoolTone is a brand new non-surgical device that helps to strengthen and tone your muscles via magnetic muscle stimulation (MMS). In short, it works by shooting electromagnetic energy into the muscles in the treatment area. This causes the muscles to contract involuntarily. The body’s response to these involuntary muscle contractions is to strengthen the actual muscle fibers that lay beneath your treatment area. The end result is stronger, firmer and more defined muscles.

While CoolTone works well on its own, many surgeons recommend combining it with CoolSculpting to also address any excess fat. This 1, 2 punch is truly changing the body contouring landscape as it can deliver the kind of results that a patient only used to be able to get with surgery.

Emsculpt vs. CoolTone

The CoolTone device is in direct competition with industry leader Emsculpt, which up until now has been the only muscle stimulation game in town. Dr. Gordon has the Emsculpt device in her office and has had it done on herself. She thinks it is a fantastic device. “But competition is great for the industry,” she shares.

These devices allow her to treat the trifecta of body contouring issues without surgery:

Muscle Stimulating Devices Work

Dr. Bharti also has Emsculpt. “It’s intense when you try it the first time,” he says, but his wife has been using it since the birth of their fourth child and has already noticed an improvement in her diastasis. Like Dr. Gordon, he believes that “there is value in having another device.”

CoolTone is not brand new as it’s been used outside of the United States for awhile. It is slightly different than Emsculpt, particularly the applicator. But, bottom line, these devices work. “I think that these devices are here to stay,” shares Bharti. Futhermore, modalities such as CoolTone add a real wellness component to his plastic surgery practice.

CoolTone & Emsculpt Help Surgical Patients Maintain Results

These muscle stimulating devices can also help surgical body contouring patients to maintain their results. If someone has a tummy tuck or liposuction and then adds on a CoolTone treatment or two, the surgeon is able to “enhance their result even further ,” explains Bharti. “The patient is able to protect their investment.” explains Dr. Bharti.

Innovation is the Name of the Game

As an avid fan of new devices that actually achieve results, Dr. Pozner agrees. He hopes that devices such as CoolTone are going to take non-surgical body contouring to the next level. Dr. Pozner, Dr. Bharti and Dr. Gordon all agree that change is good for the patient, good for the surgeon and good for the industry as a whole.