The Plastic Surgery Channel

FAQ – What is the Best Age for a Facelift?

If one plastic surgery procedure were the “face” of plastic surgery, it may very well be the facelift. After all, the face is the most significant and important feature in life. At the time when it begins to look aged, many would-be patients wish for a reversal back to days of youth, but are daunted by a surgical fix.

Indeed, because the face is our most important feature, the idea of having it surgically “altered” just to look a bit younger turns many off, and certainly stresses most. And yet, again, because the face is so important, the best facelift surgeons focus intently on crafting a result that is both safe and natural. In other words, a result that still looks just like you.

Furthermore, modern techniques and tools truly allow for a facelift to be performed without visible signs of “work being done,” such as the classic “windblown” face. Patients with great results find that their friends and family notice that they look “refreshed,” or that “they must have slept well,” rather than “Oh, he had work done.” All in all, there has never been a better time to receive a more natural and technically precise facelift.

Now That You’re Ready, When is it Time?

Because a facelift is daunting, and many might think that they’d rather wait as long as they can until the decision, the ultimate question occurs: “What is the Best Age for a Facelift?”

Facelift expert and board certified plastic surgeon Dr. Richard Baxter of Seattle answers in the latest PSC FAQ.