The Plastic Surgery Channel

The Right Season For Plastic Surgery

Is there such a thing as seasonal plastic surgery? It makes sense to plan liposuction around that big weekend wedding you have coming up in a few months, or schedule a rhinoplasty months ahead of a planned family reunion. Of course, good timing plays into a good outcome when it comes to cosmetic surgery.

The Right Time For Plastic Surgery

Picture a calendar with the months of the year. There’s the chill of winter, followed by the blooms of spring, the warm glow of summer and finally the crisp and colorful autumn. Just like the changing seasons offer something different, they often signal the desire for a bit of change when it comes to plastic surgery. “Certainly there are seasons to plastic surgery where I live,” said Dr. Caroline Glicksman, a board certified plastic surgeon with an office along the Jersey Shore. Glicksman says that as the seasons change, people often feel a desire to change their appearance. “I call it the breast augmentation season, the tummy tuck season, and then the liposuction season.”

Glicksman says the seasonal uptick in certain procedures often becomes very predictable. As the cool temperatures set in and fashion calls for more layers, that’s when people often begin to consider procedures that require a little camouflage during recovery. “In the fall and winter ,everyone is inside with scarves on the neck,” she explains. “It’s Kybella time and also time for neck procedures that may require laser treatment. In the winter, my patients can use sunglasses and a hat to cover any scars or bruises, so no one sees them.”

It can also be a good time to use layers of clothes to cover compression garments used after liposuction.

Spring Into a Change

The spring season brings about new blooms in many ways. It’s a time for rebirth, and often people feel the same about their bodies. Experts say as soon as temperatures begin to warm up, women start to think about swimsuit season. “Women tend to think about their breasts and their labia when it starts to get a tiny bit warm outside,” said Dr. Christine Hamori, a board certified plastic surgeon in Boston.

Hamori says because of the cooler temperatures in Boston, it’s mid-spring before the warm up begins. “It’s like as soon as the sun is out, we’re getting the calls about breast augmentation because people realize the reunions and the graduation are coming up!”

Summer Daze – Not Really

Summer may be a little slower when it comes to plastic surgery, but people still want non-invasive procedures, including Botox and fillers. “The surgical procedures do slow down, but the fillers are still popular because people want to look good for the summer and get all of the other stuff done later,” said Dr. Hamori. She indicates it’s often a time when college students and other professionals – like teachers who are off during the summer months – may consider surgical procedures, like a rhinoplasty or liposuction. “The summer months provide enough time to rest and recover ,” says Hamori.