The Plastic Surgery Channel

FAQ – Do You Need Breast Augmentation or a Breast Lift?

Many would-be breast augmentation patients begin their journey generally in the same way: they are unhappy with the size and/or shape of their breasts. They begin to research ways to improve upon this situation, and normally will first encounter breast augmentation. This procedure specifically means utilizing a breast implant to boost volume and improve shape. Some cases may be able to rely on fat transfer without an implant, but, generally, breast augmentation means implants.

While every woman certainly can achieve a positive with result with breast augmentation alone, some might really need a breast lift “first.” Once women begin having children and/or reach their late 20’s, even the most beautiful genetic breasts will begin to sag and deflate. This is a situation where implants will not create a great outcome. If a breast has already begun to sag, that means that the tissues are weakening and sagging. To add an implant into the mix may only accelerate their descent, and soon that patient will be back in their surgeon’s office looking to revise their primary surgery.

Board certified plastic surgeon Dr. Mark D. Epstein is a breast surgery expert who makes sure his patients know all of their options based on their unique situation. If a breast lift is a must, then Dr. Epstein will make the case as to why that is. Some patients may not even need an implant; lifting their tissue could restore the great shape and volume they once had.

In this FAQ video, Dr. Epstein answers the important question every would-be breast augmentation patient needs answered at the beginning of their journey: Do you need a breast lift or will breast augmentation be sufficient?