The Plastic Surgery Channel

No Spin Live Special Edition: COVID-19 Realself and PSC Roundtable

In the latest episode of No Spin Live, board certified plastic surgeons Dr. Jason Pozner and Dr. William P. Adams Jr. continue COVID-19 discussions with the RealSelf CEO Tom Seery and RealSelf General Council Josh King.

Real Tips for RealSelf and PSC

The experts discuss the effect the pandemic is having on plastic surgery practices and steps to take on how to survive it, and not kill your spouse. Dr. Adams discusses the effect the pandemic has had on Dallas and talks about some of the steps The Aesthetic Society and other organizing bodies have done to help their members. There are webinars available on the economic programs and other steps we can take to help our businesses.

Virtual consults and other ways we can keep in touch with patients are also discussed. Dr. Pozner talks about how he has lived and worked through various economic downturns and gives advice to plastic surgeons on what they could be doing to help their practices in the future when this is over. From painting your office to fixing your before and after albums to writing that paper we wanted to finish, there is a lot we can do during this downtime.

Tom Seery addresses what RealSelf has done to help the doctors and also talks about previous economic issues they faced in the tech industry. He offers a unique perspective on what marketing to do at this point and how we can come out of this in a stronger position. Josh King also talks about his tech crash experience and also what the future government programs may be available to help physicians. Overall this program is intended to offer constructive steps physicians can make at this time of economic uncertainty.