The Plastic Surgery Channel

No Spin Live Special Edition – COVID-19 Science and Data Lead the Way

In this episode of No Spin Live Board certified plastic surgeons Dr. William P. Adams Jr. of Dallas, Dr. David Sieber of San Francisco, Dr. Tom Wiener of Houston, and Dr. Charles Randquist of Sweden analyze the latest data from the novel Coronavirus pandemic.


Lessons from Sweden

For the past 6 weeks these experts have been reporting on the Covid – 19 pandemic and especially discussing the novel approach of Sweden and its public health approach to the virus. Swedish plastic surgeon Dr. Charles Randquist discusses the current data and situation in Sweden where there were no lockdowns occurred with intelligent public distancing while still allowing businesses to stay open. Despite naysayers Sweden has done very well and the data would show has done as well as other countries including Europe and the United States who implemented far more Draconian measures.  Others have cast stones at the Swedish approach saying that other Scandinavian countries such as Norway have fared better with less cases in mortality; however, Dr. Randquist quickly points out that this is apples to pears comparison, and for many reasons comparing a point in time currently does not make sense due to stark  differences  between the countries. He  states that he is confident an analysis over  12 months will be  favorable to other countries.   Furthermore, even the infamous World Health Organization (WHO) now under fire from many fronts for their lack of science directed response to Covid – 19,  is now considering Sweden as a viable model for handling and responding to a novel pathogen such as Covid – 19.

Is the virus more dangerous than other viruses?

The question is still hotly debated; however, the experts point out that not only to the world’s most well-known and respected virologists, epidemiologists and microbiologists not believe that this virus is any different than the 108 viruses that affect humans, but Dr. Tom Wiener details quite a bit of data that proves this to be the case.

Manipulation of data is rampant

The experts detail a number of issues in the data now especially where many different types of disease and death are being classified as Covid when it’s not clear whether Covid really had anything to do with that person’s demise. Dr. David Sieber from San Francisco, California discusses the circumstances that lead to this.

Should You Be Scared to Go to a Restaurant or Go Outside?

Finally the experts discuss the public fear that is occurred through this pandemic and its causes, repercussions and detrimental effects.  Although experts feel that the drivers of fear are often not data-driven and may have a variety of motives, but expectation is that fear will wane quickly with time.  Stay tuned for more from The Plastic Surgery Channel on this subject.