The Plastic Surgery Channel

How to Diagnose and Treat BIA-ALCL

On this The Aesthetic Society Round Table, breast surgery experts Dr. Pat McGuire of St. Louis, Dr. William P. Adams Jr. of Dallas, and Dr. Brad Calobrace of Louisville, Kentucky discuss the latest in the fight against Breast Implant-Associated Anaplastic Large Cell Lymphoma. BIA-ALCL is a rare cancer that develops from breast augmentation with implants. While the disease is extremely rare, and seemingly only occurring with textured implants, it has occurred enough in recent years to gather the attention of patients, surgeons, and industry alike.

Aside from researchers working diligently to unravel the scientific causes of the disease, surgeons also must aid their patients and would-be patients in the journey of knowledge surrounding BIA-ALCL. While it is real, patients must realize that the chances of contracting BIA-ALCL are extremely low, even for patients who have textured implants. Managing concern and anxiety is one part, but surgeons must also know how to diagnose patients correctly so that efficient treatment can begin.

The breast surgeon veterans discuss this new challenge and how they’re meeting it to keep their patients safe and healthy.