The Plastic Surgery Channel

Get Rockin’ Abs! Sculpted Abs are Among the Top Plastic Surgery Trends

July 9, 2014
By Susan Kamyab

When we hit the gym and lift those weights, we are hoping for more than just shedding pounds.  We’re looking to get toned and hopefully show off a new six-pack.  But as some of us know, getting in shape isn’t as easy as it seems.  Thankfully, when diet and exercise aren’t enough, there are certain procedures that can give you the quick results you desire.

Skip the Workout, Create the Abs

According to experts one of the top 10 plastic surgery trends for 2014 is the sculpting of arms and abs.  This procedure can be performed through many different techniques, both surgically or non-surgically.  Liposculpture is one of the most common ways to achieve muscle definition for the abdomen.  Using a cannula (small hollow tube) that is inserted through one or more tiny incisions, a plastic surgeon will selectively remove fat so that muscular contours become prominent.  The incisions are hidden in the natural creases of the body and leave unnoticeable scars.  Dr. Peter B. Fodor, a board certified plastic surgeon from Los Angeles, explains how “this technique greatly reduces bruising and swelling, due to the fact that the cannula is not destroying blood vessels as it goes in the direction of the muscle fibers.”

Liosculpture can be effective on more than just your abs. “We have used liposculpture to tone and reshape patient’s triceps, biceps, and even calves,” says Dr. Fodor.

The Non-Invasive Route

Non-surgical sculpting procedures, like CoolSculpting, will be high in demand this year. This FDA approved, non-invasive treatment freezes fat cells that essentially fade, and then are absorbed by the body and discarded.  There is little to no downtime when using CoolSculpting.

Finally have the Body you Want

Trying to achieve those defined abs and biceps can be a challenge. But, with procedures like Liposculpture and CoolSculpting, Dr. Fodor says, “we can help patient’s muscles become more pronounced.”  If the hours of exercising aren’t paying off, speak with a board certified plastic surgeon about your options.