The Plastic Surgery Channel

How Soon Can You Exercise After a Tummy Tuck?

November 5, 2014
By Robert T. Grant, M.D.

Many people who choose to move forward with a tummy tuck procedure do so to get back a tight, fit-looking waistline. Whether a person has a tummy tuck to address a loose muscles following pregnancies, or to sculpt the body after weight loss, maintaining a healthy lifestyle post-operation is very important. This brings up a big question question: How soon can a patient return to their exercise routine after a tummy tuck?

Slow and Steady Exercise

While regular exercise is a positive lifestyle choice, jumping back into a rigorous routine can make recovery difficult. When starting physical activity after a tummy tuck procedure, it is best to start slow.

Following the Doctor’s Instructions

Even though a person may start feeling well enough to resume their daily activities, it doesn’t mean they should. I can’t express enough how important it is to stick to the guidelines set forth by your doctor – these guidelines are in place to ensure a patient’s safety as well as an optimal recovery. When a patient pushes ahead too early with an exercise routine that is too strenuous, they put themselves at risk for several reasons:

Maintaining Desired Results

Once a patient makes the decision to move forward with a tummy tuck procedure, it is important to follow it through to the end. Pushing a strenuous exercise routine too soon after surgery can jeopardize the results a patient has worked so hard to accomplish.