The Plastic Surgery Channel

Discover Fat Grafting to the Breast for Enhancement and Reconstruction

Plastic surgeons are making breast implant and reconstruction procedures even better by adding a little fat to the mix. Dr. Louis P. Bucky of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania discusses the technique of fat grafting to the breast and how adding a little fat can go a long way, not only in cosmetic breast surgeries but reconstruction surgeries as well.

By: Louis P. Bucky, MD
and Adam McMillon

Surgeon says Fat is Helping Reduce Pain in Breast Reconstruction Patients

Fat grafting has been used by plastic surgeons in various ways to improve both the look and internal functions of different body areas. For example, mastectomy patients often feel discomfort from the severe changes in body shape and tissue loss. By adding fat to
certain areas of the chest and breasts, this discomfort can be eliminated or greatly reduced. “We used to look at fat grafting in two ways: is this a case of reconstruction or one of breast augmentation? Now, I look at both cases the same. Fat grafting works so well in both that you would never be able to tell the difference,” says Bucky.


Do you feel discomfort from a mastectomy? Putting fat in key areas can lessen this.

Have your breast implants started having problems? A little fat can bring them back to where they should be.

Simply want to undergo a breast augmentation procedure? Now you can simply add fat to make them look more natural.



Utilizing the Brava system to achieve fantastic fat grafting results

Brava is a breast enhancement device that uses a gentle amount of tension to pull on the breasts in three dimensions, which stimulates cell growth. In order for large volume fat grafting  to work, it needs to be inserted into healthy, viable tissue with access to a large blood supply. Brava achieves this by stimulating the tissue and blood vessels, creating the desired healthy environment. The device is worn like a bra with each breast entirely covered by a suction cup that provides the tension. While the device is marketed as a way to non-surgically provide breast growth, Dr. Bucky utilizes the system in his breast augmentation procedures to provide the best environment for fat to sustain itself. “The method of using Brava is called ‘pre-expansion’,” says Bucky. “In order for the grafted fat to be healthy in the breast tissue, we must get the tissue ready. My patients wear the Brava device for 6 hours a day 3 weeks before surgery; I compare it to interval training. When surgery comes around, the device has created an extremely healthy tissue environment, teeming with stimulated blood vessels that accept the fat readily, resulting in an outstanding implantation or reconstruction procedure.”

Don’t turn your back on fat, embrace it!

While fat in general gets a bad wrap, look to a board certified plastic surgeon who can use it to your benefit. The results are in: fat grafting to the breasts is a great option to achieve the a natural looking breast. “The concept is nothing new,” says Bucky. “Now with stronger technology and experienced surgeons, fat grafting can achieve incredible results for any patients in need of reconstructive or cosmetic breast surgery.”