The Plastic Surgery Channel

Popular Plastic Surgery Procedures for Aging Men

When it comes to physical appearance, men value youth and beauty just like women do. Unlike women, however, the male population tends to shy away from plastic surgery, a field historically dominated by female patients. This is changing rapidly as aging men have taken notice of ever-growing successes with treatments.

“Guys want to look better,” says Dr. Kevin Smith of Charlotte Plastic Surgery. “They don’t want to look different. The fact is, there is so much bad plastic surgery out there. It’s frightening to see some of the red carpet results. Guys just are not interested in that.”  

Instead, men spend their time in the gym, relying on diet and exercise to keep them feeling young and looking fit. As health conscious but aging men are transitioning from their forties into their fifties and beyond, many are beginning to realize that they don’t look as young on the outside as they feel on the inside. While the idea of surgery may initially put them off, today’s man is often open to learning about the less invasive options that plastic surgeons have to offer. As a result, plastic surgery procedures for men are on the rise. 

A More Relaxed Look with “BRO”tox

One way to rejuvenate the aging face is to relax it. Deep lines etched between the eyebrows can make a man appear angry and tense, regardless of how calm and rested he feels. “With Botox, we can weaken some of the intensity of the muscles in the brow,” explains Dr. Smith. “A patient who does Botox doesn’t look so intense. It looks like the weight of the world is lifted off their shoulders and they just look more comfortable.”

Facial Fillers for Men

A well placed facial filler will go undetected, while a bad filler stands out to everyone. Chipmunk faces and overdone lips have earned fillers a bad reputation over the years. According to Dr. Smith, subtle volume enhancement is the key to helping aging men put their best face forward.

“We’re not talking about blowing up their faces with a lot of volume,” emphasizes Smith. “He’s down at his fighting weight, but he looks too thin in the face. A well done injectable will give a guy a more healthy look.”

Kybella for Double Chins

For many men, fat under the chin can be both embarrassing and a nuisance. A collared shirt and tie can accentuate a double chin, making it hard for a business man to feel comfortable and confident on the job.

Now there is a non-invasive procedure that can solve the problem of the double chin sand surgery. Kybella is an FDA approved injectable treatment to reduce fat under the chin. Unlike liposuction, the treatment is quick and requires no downtime.

Freeze Away Love Handles with CoolSculpting

“Another great non-surgical option for men is CoolSculpting,” adds Dr. Smith. “This is a way to reduce fat and accomplish goals that they can’t by themselves in the gym.”

Even fit men have stubborn problem areas. For many men, the problem area is the love handles. CoolSculpting targets and kills stubborn exercise-resistant fat cells through a process known as cryolipolysis. By lowering the temperature of targeted fat cells to a specific range, the fat cells die and are then flushed out by the body over a period of several weeks. Men are saying goodbye to their problem areas without the need for surgery, a very, very attractive option.

A CoolSculpting treatment takes about an hour, and depending on the amount of fat, repeat treatments may be required. Dr. Smith and his colleagues have more than one machine available, which helps immensely when treating two spots at the same time.

Surgery for Men

Surgical procedures for aging men are also on the rise. “I think the first surgery that men consider is eyelid surgery,” says Dr. Smith. “One of the things that historically has made guys shy away from eyelid surgery, is the idea that we had to lift the brows at the same time. I think we as plastic surgeons have gotten a lot smarter, and we’re doing a lot less brow lifting, so guys don’t look surprised. An upper and lower eyelid surgery just makes it look like you’ve had a great vacation and you’ve gotten a great night’s sleep.”

Surgeries in Demand for the Aging Male Patient:

  1. Eyelid Surgery (Upper & Lower Blepharoplasty)
  2. Neck lift Surgery
  3. Facelift Surgery

Men are also interested in surgical procedures that will improve the neck and jawline. In some patients, the problem is much more than just fat beneath the chin; there may be loose skin or sagging jowls. To lift the skin of the neck, a small incision is necessary below the chin as well as a longer incision that is hidden behind the ears.  

“More men are considering doing a facelift,” says Smith. “A man’s facelift is very different than a woman’s facelift. For a woman, it’s all about shapes and volumes. For a guy, we just want to clean up the jawline, we want that neck to be a little bit smoother, and that incision is hidden right in front of the ear, behind the bearded skin.”