The Plastic Surgery Channel

Male Plastic Surgery – No Longer Taboo

Male plastic surgery is no longer taboo. According to the latest statistics from the American Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS), both surgical and non-surgical procedures for men are on the rise. Like women, men are wholeheartedly embracing self-care. They are also remaining active members of the workforce for much longer, creating a situation where it’s important for men to stay competitive.

Men are finding out one of the simplest ways to do this is to look as young as you feel. Dr. Shaun Parson of Scottsdale, AZ discusses male plastic surgery and why he finds working with men so exciting.

Male Plastic Surgery Has Entered the Mainstream

It used to be rare to find a man who would even consider having “work” done. The male stereotype was the Marlboro man — rugged, wrinkled and a little bit dirty. Over the last 10 – 20 years, however, the male aesthetic has evolved.

Today, men are embracing self-care in a big way, whether that be with

Furthermore, men “are in the workforce longer,” explains Dr. Parson. It’s important for them to stay competitive and relative to their colleagues as they show signs of aging.

How Is Male Plastic Surgery Different?

“Male plastic surgery is very normal. It’s a very natural part of our society. And it’s completely lost its taboo,” says Dr. Parson. But men do look for different things when it comes to plastic surgery than women. A male patient may not want both his upper and lower eyelids done, like many women. Guys may want a little bit of liposuction in their chest or their abdomen, but they are not going to get a tummy tuck. Men care a lot about hair restoration.

“Guys are looking to stay relative, stay competitive when they’re in their 30’s, 40’s and 50’s,” shares Parson. It’s about doing little tweaks that are not a big deal and which don’t require a huge amount of downtime. Men are much less tolerant of “fuss” than women. They want procedures that are quick, easy and effective.

What Are the Most Popular Procedures for Men?

Since it is as much of a reconstructive procedure as an aesthetic one, rhinoplasty has always been the exception to the male plastic surgery rule. It is still the most popular procedure.

Other procedures for men that are rapidly gaining traction:

The eyes are often the first place to show the earliest signs of aging in both men and women. While women will address their upper and lower eyelids, men are more inclined to only address their lower eyelids. As the delicate skin around the eyes begins to age, it loses elasticity. This allows the fat pad underneath the eye to shift and become more visible. A lower blepharoplasty will reposition the fat pad and trim any excess if necessary while also lifting and tightening the skin. The result is a much brighter and younger looking you.

Kybella for Under Chin Fat

As men age, they start to gain a little weight. Maybe they are not able to work out quite as much, their metabolism slows, or both. Men will often get heavy under the chin. This can really become noticeable if you have to wear a tie to work.

To combat this, Dr. Parson utilizes Kybella. The product is an injectable specifically designed to melt submental fat under the chin, no surgery required. This is the ideal situation for many male patients.

The treatments can be done during your lunch hour and have little to no downtime, aside from some swelling and maybe a little bruising. Most importantly, Kybella works. However, it will take two or more treatments, spaced 6 weeks apart, to obtain your ideal results, so patience is a must.

Liposuction Is Very Popular with Men

Liposuction is another option for men when it comes to treating accumulated fat under the chin. While it is more invasive than Kybella, it is also a one shot deal. You have the procedure and the fat is gone instantly. This can be very appealing for many male patients.

In terms of body contouring, liposuction is definitely the procedure of choice for men. While it is surgical, it can often be done under local anesthesia in a surgeon’s office or a surgical center. The incisions are small and leave little to no scarring. It’s a quick, easy and effective method for removing stubborn pockets of fat around the mid section, a problem area for so many men, even if you eat right and work out regularly.

Gynecomastia Surgery

Gynecomastia is an excess of fatty tissue or breast tissue in the chest. Often referred to as “man boobs”, it affects anywhere from 25-30% of all men. It is also easy to treat, something that a lot of men don’t realize. “And truthfully, there is no way to get rid of it by exercise or diet,” explains Dr. Parson.

Dr. Parson finds it exciting to work with his male patients because they are to the point and direct. They know what they want and are really just interested in, “When can we get this done?”