The Plastic Surgery Channel

Skincare for Men: Simple Steps Without the Hassle

For most men, a “skincare regimen” likely consists of a splash of water and maybe dab of lotion. Skincare seems to be a realm for women, the sex who benefits from smooth, soft, and young-looking skin. A man’s man has a hard and weathered face, but is this true? And is this what men really desire?

It seems that the times are a changing; skincare for men is a skyrocketing new trend. Men have realized that putting creams and lotions on their skin isn’t going to make them look like teenagers, or women, or appear soft. They’ve realized that it’s one way to actually look their best. Skincare for men is more sophisticated now, but that doesn’t mean more complicated.

Men want to win the game of looking good, fighting wrinkles, and banishing blemishes, too, and it all begins with healthy skincare habits. Even better, ones that don’t have to be a hassle.

Skincare: The Do’s and Don’ts

For starters, men shouldn’t worry: you don’t have to spend hours in the bathroom with fancy lotions, soaps and serums to get a fresher face. It’s possible to look good with just a few minutes a day and the right products, according to skincare experts. “Skincare for men has definitely become more popular,” says Dr. Louis Bucky, a board certified plastic surgeon in Philadelphia. Bucky says there is a bonanza of beneficial products for men who are beginning to realize that good skincare isn’t just a “female ritual” any longer.

“I think that it’s time that men’s skin health gets the attention that women’s skin health has achieved,” he shares. “We all benefit from that.” Bucky thinks that a good skincare routine can vastly improve a man’s overall skin health and fight back the signs of aging. He says there is no longer any stigma attached to using skincare products; most products are low-key and hassle-free and made to appeal to guys. “The industry is now making products that are ideal for men,” he continues. “Guys don’t want to put something on frequently, and they want it to smell good. They also want a texture and feel that makes them feel comfortable and they want the sunblock built in, so it’s not complicated.”

Experts recommend a good cleanser with glycolic acid, both in the morning and at night. If the skin gets red or irritated, you might want to back off the use. Don’t forget to moisturize when the skin is still damp. If you have oily skin, look for a water-based product that won’t clog pores or cause a breakout.

The Right Routine and Products

Finding the right routine can involve a handful of products or just a couple; what works for you may not work for your best buddy. Skincare is individual and finding the right fit is important. It has to be a routine that you’ll stick with to be effective in the long run, according to Dr. Craig Colville, a board certified plastic surgeon in Toledo, Ohio.

Colville works with his clients to map out a personalized skincare plan. “We’ll set it up however the patient wants it,” he explains. “If they want one thing to do each day – that’s great. If they want four things in the morning and two at night, we can do that. We will work with what the client finds works the best.”

Colville indicates that an effective plan will help smooth lines and reduce the signs of aging, but he says a surgical fix may still be necessary down the line. “I think skincare is a complimentary process with surgery,” he says. “Some people need skincare for a long time and then eventually need surgery. Some people come in and go for surgery first. Sometimes it’s not necessary to do a bunch of skincare until the surgery is complete.”

Experts say along with using skincare products, it’s important to apply sunscreen and remember that exercise, a good diet and proper rest will, in parallel, help restore and refresh the look of your skin.