The Plastic Surgery Channel

FAQ – Choosing Breast Implant Size

Probably one of the most important topics in plastic surgery for patients is which breast implant they will select. While before options may have been limited, including less options in the operating room, modern breast augmentation is armed with more and better tools and techniques. This is truly great for patients, but actually complicates the question of which implant to select!

Breast augmentation is often much more than just size. Every woman is different; female chests can be tall, short, wide, and narrow. They can also have significant breast tissue, almost no breast tissue, or even malformed breast tissue. Depending on her stage in life and activities, maybe a submuscular placement may be better than subglandular, or over the muscle. Maybe the reverse it true! All of this is to say that a breast augmentation consultation is where a surgeon will analyze the patient’s physical and life characteristics in order to select the optimal implant. Sometimes, the best implant may be smaller than what the patient may desire. Sometimes a saline implant may be the best choice. Sometimes two different implants may be what’s best.

This is all to say that a breast augmentation and implant selection process is entirely unique to the patient. Far more time will be spent pre-op than will be in the operating room. Board certified plastic surgeon Dr. Daniel Maman of New York City, an expert in breast surgery, details how he helps his patients select the best breast implant possible in the latest PSC FAQ.