The Plastic Surgery Channel

Body Videos

Tummy Tuck Videos»

If you have fantasized about restoring the flat, lifted, smooth abs of your youth, but have maybe been afraid of the downtime involved with an abdominoplasty then our tummy tuck videos are the perfect tool for weighing the pros and cons of this body altering procedure.

Liposuction Videos»

Let’s be honest, visual aids make everything easier which is why our videos are a must for anyone who’s wondered: “Is liposuction right for me?”

Cosmetic Gynecology Videos»

The “southern area”, long a realm of silence and embarrassment for many women, has come out of the closet and our labiaplasty videos are a great way to educate yourself on the wide variety of vaginal rejuvenation options available today.

Buttock Augmentation Videos»

The buttock seems to be the new “hot spot” when it comes to body contouring surgery. Our videos will help you to understand how a buttock augmentation can not only improve the look of your booty, but change your entire torso.

Brachioplasty Videos (Arm Lift)»

If the loose skin and fat on your arms drives you crazy then our arm lift or brachioplasty videos can help you decide whether this life changing body contouring procedure is indeed right for you.

Lower Body Lift Videos»

If you are one of the growing number of patients who have taken control of your health by losing a massive amount of weight and are considering a body lift then our video collection is here to help walk you through ins and out of body contouring surgery.

Thigh Lift Videos»

If you look in the mirror and dream thighs that are lifted and toned then you need to watch our thigh lift videos in order to learn more about this potentially life altering body contouring procedure.

Thigh Lift Videos»

If you look in the mirror and dream thighs that are lifted and toned then you need to watch our thigh lift videos in order to learn more about this potentially life altering body contouring procedure.

Non-Surgical Fat Removal Videos»

Watch our Non-Surgical Fat Removal videos in order to learn more about this procedure.