The Plastic Surgery Channel

Aging Gracefully – Should Plastic Surgery Be Part of The Plan?

Aging gracefully isn’t just for a fine bottle of wine – it’s for all of us. There is debate about how to slip into middle age and even the golden years, whether diet and exercise are enough or if surgical (or non-surgical) cosmetic fixes are warranted. Some want to swear off all  plastic surgery intervention while others are willing to let modern day procedures help turn back the clock.

Saying “No More” to Cosmetic Surgery?

There is a chorus of Hollywood celebrities who have decided that they will no longer be a consumer of plastic surgery. One of those is Melissa Gilbert, who swore off all procedures when she turned 50. You will remember her best from her days on the television series, “Little House on the Prairie.. Today, she’s all grown up and deciding to remove her breast implants, along with no longer getting Botox injections. Gilbert says she will “embrace” aging.

Gilbert isn’t alone in her desire to age without any cosmetic surgery assistance. Others in the media spotlight have also sworn off plastic surgery. “We will find every once in awhile someone who is maybe looking to gain more media attention,” says Dr. Tiffany McCormack, a board certified plastic surgeon in Reno. McCormack says sometimes it’s all about getting attention. “They will make this drastic announcement and that’s fine to each her own.” McCormack reminds her patients that plastic surgery is a personal choice and shouldn’t be guided by anyone else.


No Longer “Pulled” nor “Plastic”

There can be severe scrutiny with aging, which is why we all hope to aging gracefully is the MO of our genes. To diminish that backlash in the workplace, or even on the dating scene – some people turn to plastic surgery to achieve a more youthful look. McCormack says there’s no reason to be scared of trying a plastic surgery procedure to turn back the clock. “In this day and age we have a lot of ways to do that very naturally without making someone look pulled or plastic or fake.”

She says advances in procedures help mature patients refresh their look and maintain a youthful appearance. The idea of erasing decades of wear and tear and living isn’t very realistic, according to McCormack. She says the key is subtle change and a natural look – too much Botox and too much filler doesn’t look good on anyone, no matter what the age. The truth of these products is their extreme ability to affect positive change, but only when handled correctly.

Age! Don’t Get ‘Old’

Experts say there is a misconception that having plastic surgery in the later years will result in an appearance that looks like you’ve “had something done.” It’s not true, according to board certified plastic surgeon Dr. William P. Adams, Jr. “There are really simple things that can be done, using good surgical and non-surgical techniques,” says Dr. Adams.

Adams says people who get older want to preserve their self-esteem and confidence, which means continuing to look like themselves, maybe just an older version. He says it’s possible. “It’s okay to have some gray hair, it’s okay to have some wrinkles, but you don’t have to look like a different person – they can keep their identity.”

It’s important to find a board certified plastic surgeon who is willing to listen to your desires and one who will help you reach your age-defying goals. Adams says the formula for looking younger is realizing you don’t have to settle for less than you desire. “Most people in this era want to grow old gracefully,” says Adams.