Breast Augmentation Videos — Page 7

  • The Surgeon Minute

    The Harmonious Breast

    The goal of any successful breast surgery procedure is harmony. Every patient who comes in complaining about her breasts does so because she feels that her breasts are out...

  • The Surgeon Minute

    Fixing Uneven Breasts with Surgery

    Every woman has two unique breasts.  That’s right – even if your breasts look identical at first glance, they do in fact have differences between them, in shape and/or...

  • PSC Uncut

    Breast Augmentation for the Extremely Fit Woman

    Many women of all sizes, shapes, and fitness levels want breast augmentation – including the extremely fit. With a growing culture of health and fitness, the latter spawning numerous...

  • The Surgeon Minute

    Can I Get By With Breast Augmentation Without a Lift?

    Women with deflated, sagging breasts want to achieve maximum lift with minimal scars. It comes as no surprise that women would rather boost their breasts with an augmentation than...

  • The Surgeon Minute

    The B Cup Boom – Smaller Breast Implants in Demand

    A growing trend of smaller breast implants in breast augmentation seems to be in the minds of the modern women. More times than not, she wants a smaller, more...

  • The Surgeon Minute

    An Inside Look at Breast Augmentation Consultation

    Meeting a plastic surgeon for the first time, knowing the breasts you are unhappy with will be closely examined, can be daunting. Preparing for your visit and knowing what to expect will...

  • The Surgeon Minute

    Downsizing Implants – A Growing Trend In Breast Augmentation

    Bigger isn’t always better, especially when it comes to breast implants. More women are opting to remove or downsize their implants for many reasons; sometimes large breast implants get...

  • PSC Media Wire

    Transgender Treatment in Plastic Surgery

    The transgender issue has exploded onto the public sphere in the last few years, sparking curiosity about the transformation process. Recent data suggests there may be more than a...

  • The Surgeon Minute

    Breast Implant Removal Options

    Many women who had breast augmentations done in their 20’s decide in their 40’s that they want a different look. Typically, these patients want to go smaller and simply...

  • PSC Uncut

    Smaller Implants and a Rising Natural Aesthetic

    Trends come and go across many industries, and plastic surgery is no different. A “natural aesthetic” is growing in many practices where patients are requesting their procedures to reflect...

  • PSC Roundtable

    Breastfeeding with Breast Implants

    The relationship between breastfeeding and breast implants is potentially one of the most questioned aspects of breast augmentation for young patients. Many would-be patients may even consider the question...

  • The Surgeon Minute

    How To Choose a Natural Looking Breast Implant

    When it comes to selecting implants for a breast augmentation, many women would like their end result to be a natural looking breast. There are, however, some women who...

  • PSC Uncut

    How and Why Surgeons Decide Between Modern Implants

    Plastic surgeons are united in their excitement for modern breast augmentation. Technology and research have combined to offer the widest range of implant options than ever before, leading modern...

  • The Surgeon Minute

    Implant Placement Debate: Over vs. Under the Muscle

    Over a quarter million women will have a breast augmentation this year alone. When the time comes, one of the biggest decisions that they will need to make is...

  • PSC No Spin LIVE

    Macro-Textured Implants and Breast Implant-Associated ALCL

    From the inaugural episode of  No Spin Live  Australia. Breast Implant-Associated Anaplastic Large Cell Lyphoma is a Hot Topic at the moment. Updated guidelines released by the FDA in 2017 stated...

  • PSC Uncut

    The Truth Regarding Breast Implant-Associated ALCL

    The headlines were dire following the latest update from the FDA regarding Breast Implant-Associated ALCL: “Breast implants can cause cancer.” Easy enough for journalists to type, the headline guarantees...

  • The Surgeon Minute

    Rapid Recovery After Breast Augmentation

    Wouldn’t it be great to have your breast augmentation on Friday and then be back to your normal life by Monday? This is absolutely a modern reality. A rapid...

  • PSC Uncut

    Alternate Breast Augmentation Incisions May Not Be Ideal

    Breast augmentation continues to be one of the top cosmetic surgery procedures in the world. The procedure’s reign has much to do with the thousands and thousands of extremely...

  • The Surgeon Minute

    Putting Breast Implant-Associated ALCL Into Perspective

    Yes, Breast Implant-Associated Anaplastic Large-Cell Lymphoma (BIA-ALCL) is a cancer, but it is extremely rare. Yes, it’s associated with a certain type of breast implant, but it is curable! BIA-ALCL absolutely...

  • PSC Uncut

    Avoiding Non-Board Certified Plastic Surgeons for Procedures

    Everyone likes a good deal, but the best deal is not always determined by financial variables. Many plastic surgery procedures can be had at cheaper prices, but at what...