Anne Meyer

Anne Meyer

Anne received her undergraduate degree in rhetoric from the University of Illinois.  She spent five wonderful years working in a plastic surgery practice in Los Angeles before returning to the academic world where she is pursuing a graduate degree in the medical field.  Anne enjoys combining her understanding of plastic surgery procedures with her passion for writing in each article that she works on for the Plastic Surgery Channel.

Anne Meyer

Anne Meyer Plastic Surgeon Videos

Refresh a Tired Look with Eye Surgery

Sculpting the Body with VaserLipo®

Woman in the sun.

Skincare Means to Heal and to Protect

Woman holds baby.

Personalizing a Tummy Tuck for Your Unique Needs

Breast Lifts with Implants: One or two stage procedure?

Woman examining cellulite on her leg.

Finally, Ditch the Cellulite Dimples!

Inspecting breast implants.

How to Handle Sagging Breasts?

Woman applies makeup.

Revive Your Face, No Surgery Required

PSC members discussing.

Drooping Brows and Sagging Lids: How Big are the Procedures to Fix Them?